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アメトリン結晶【106ct52x33x28mm】とルース 5.53-9.59ct 無色と紫のルース 3.16ct カナリー色のシトリン 19.74ct |
Anahi Mine, Bolivia |
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結晶を模したルース 33.92ct 35.0x13.2x8.6mm | 7.28ct 13.8x11.6x7.5mm | 5.53ct 10.8x8.9x6.4mm | 5.62ct 10.8x8.7x6.6mm | 6.19ct 12.0x9.0x7.0mm |
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7.06ct 15.0x8.6x6.4mm | 8.30ct 13.8x10.9x7.0mm | 9.59ct 15.7x9.8x7.3mm | 3.16ct 12.1x7.1x5.3mm | 19.74ct 17.49x14.92x10.00 |
一般の宝飾品向けの普通のカットに加えて,一部のカッターやデザイナー達が配色の妙味を活かした斬新で自由なカットを施した作品を発表するようになって次第に人気が高まり,1980年代初めには水晶としては異例の高値のカラット当り6〜 30ドルもの売値がつけられるほどになりました。
Starting from early 1970's, strange bi-color quartz with purple and yellow began to appear into world's gem trade, through Brazil and Paraguay.
Fantastic bi-color inspired some gem cutters and designer to create fresh free-form faceting, which generated an excitement to fetch extraordinary high price of US$6 〜30 per carat for quartz in early 1980's.
謎に包まれたこの二色の色合いが天然の発色なのか,あるいは人工的な処理によるものか ? さらに,水晶自体が天然のものか,あるいは合成ではないのかと様々な議論が沸騰し,その素性についての疑惑が高まっていた1981年,”実はブラジルのある工場で作られた合成品”とのまことしやかな噂が広がり,価格は忽ちの内にカラット当り1ドルへと暴落する騒ぎまで起こったのでした。
This bi-color quartz、being named ametrine after amethyst and citrine color, created suspicions too, for it's origine. From where comes are they ? When pressed for its exact whereabouts, dealers gave conflicting answeres. "I was told the gem came from Brazil, Urguay and Bolivia." If this bi-color is natural or artificial ? If the quartz itself is natural or synthetic ? In the midst of boiling arguments in 1981, a rumor ran that ametrine is synthesized in Brazil, and the fledgling market for this gem collapsed like a soufflé. Prices for free and calibrated sized which had spanned from $6 to $30 per carat toppled to between $2 and $10 per carat.
専門家の検証(Investigations by experts)
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ナッソー博士が実験的に合成と天然水晶を加熱と放射線処理して作ったアメトリン (Ametrines, experimentaly heat and irradation treated from synthetic and natural quartzs by Dr. Kurt Nassau) |
フランスで処理されたアメトリン (Partly amethystized citrine by heat and irradiation treatment in France) | |
合成水晶(Synthetic quartz) 3cm | ブラジル産紫水晶 (Brazilian amethyst) 12mm | Revue de Gemmologie 1988 March |
1980年夏号の ”Gems & Gemology” で,当時はGIAサンタモニカの研究員であった宝石・結晶学者,John Koivulaによる記事では冒頭で多色を示す水晶の存在は鉱物や結晶の専門家にとっては大いなる謎であって19世紀初めから Sir. David Brewster, E.S.Dana, Clifford Frondel等の錚々たる専門家の研究の対象であった,と述べられています。
There are not a few studies announced on ametrine in 1970's.
Dr. John Koivula, Mineralogist-Gemologist at GIA Santa Monica describes in Gems & Gemology 1980 Summer as follows ; Long known to mineralogists and crystallographers, having been studied since the early 1800's by such notable researchers as Sir David Brewster, E.S. Dana, and Clifford Frondel, sectorally color zoned quartz seems to be somewhat of a mystery to the gemological community.
既にこの当時には紫水晶が三価の鉄イオンによるカラー・センターの発色,それが放射線照射によって黄水晶となる事は刊行されたばかりのKurt Nassau教授の”Gems Made By Man”によって明らかにされていました。
Then he extended the study on the newly arrived ametrine from a somewhat secret Brazilian locality reported to be in the mining area of Rio Grande Do Sul, near the Uruguayan border.
Already at that time coloring mechanism of citrine and amethyst had been revealed by "Gems Made By Man" just published by Dr. Kurt Nassau.
Dr. Koivula pointed out following vital factors on segmentary zoned bi-color quartz ;
1. Quartz has a greater affinity for absorbing iron impurities on the positive rhombohedrons of the terminations than other faces as the crystal grows.
2. Brazil twinning and segmental coloration gives rise to some beautiful and startling optical effects under polarized light.
Although Dr. Koivula could not reveal the entire mechanism of bi-colored quartz growth, these comments were fundamental points to reach to the answer.
”Gems & Gemology” の1981年春号に宝石界の権威でもあるKurt Nassau 博士がアメトリンは合成または天然の紫水晶を処理した可能性が高いと,天然に対する否定的な議論を展開しました。
On Gems & Gemology 1981 Spring article, a renowned gemologist Dr. Kurt Nassau demonstrated the artifically treated ametrine. He could transfer both natural and synthetic amethysts to ametrine, by controling heating temperatures and irradiation levels and declared the great possibility that newly arrived ametrine in the market as artificially treated. No matter that Nassau's case was based on supposition rather than hard proof. The mere chance ametrine cme from a lab was evidende enough. A traumatized trade shunned the quartz.
フランスの宝石学協会誌 ”revue de gemmologie” 1988年3月号 もこうした研究を踏まえて考察と,加熱と放射線照射にて紫水晶を一部黄水晶に変える実験を行っています。
Revue de gemmologie, France March 1988 made an experimentation to treat amethyst by heating and irradiation to create ametrine and concluded that ametrine should be artificial.
ボリビア・アナイ鉱山 (Anahí mine, Bolivia)
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パラグアイ、ボリビア、ブラジル国境 の湿原地帯にあるアナイ鉱山 Anahí Mine near Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazilian Border |
ブラジル国境(写真上部)に近い鉱山 Aerial view of the Anahí mine (Brazilian Border on top of photo) |
鉱山周囲の地質 (Geologic map around Anahí mine) |
Finally, the exact ametrine locality was revealed in 1993, more than 20 years after ametrine was marketed in the market. The mine is located near Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguyan border in tropical jungle, called Pantanal in Brazil.
The mining of ametrine is shrouded in legends, mystery, and international in trigue. This mine was readily know by local Ayoreos tribe. In the 17th century, when a Spanish conquistador had rceived the ametrine mine as a dowry when he married a native princess - name Anahí. 17th century Spanish documents noted the ametrine. There is no further record of ametrine until the 20th century.
There are some documentations on ametrine on 1925, 1934, 1951 etc. There are also some accounts that the deposit was exploited sporadically by local Ayoreos tribe, who sold their production to gemstone dealers from nearby town, Puerto Suarez. We do know that gem production restarted sporadically in the 1960s. Active exploitation did not occur until the late 1970s, when demand fro gem-cutting material propelled Brazilian gem dealers and Brazilian, Bolivian and Paraguayan miners into the area.
Because the deposit was locted in a Bolivian state fiscal reserve, it was cnstiturionally closed to private mining. And Brazilian government prohibited the importation of cutting rough. Mining and exportation were therefore, totally underground activities, which lasted over twenty years. These are the background of long mysterious suspicions and mysteris on ametrine origines.
In 1989, Bolivian government changed the law to admit mining in the fiscal reserves. Simulutaneously, a change in Brazilian law legalized the importation of rough gem materials.
A Bolivian company, minerales y Metales del Oriente S.R.L. acquired the concessions, officilly named the mine Anahí in honor of the Ayorean princess and restructured the mining and trading of ametrine. Since then up to July 1993, the mine has 80 staffs and approximately 100 tons of mine-run ametrine has been traded.
アナイ鉱山の地質と産状 (Geology of Anahi mine and occurence)アナイ鉱山はブラジルとボリビア国境近くのパンタナール平原と呼ばれる雨季には広大な湿地帯となる熱帯雨林の中で南北に伸びる標高200m程の山地にあります。
The Anahi mine is located 30km west of the border with Brazil, in the region, know as Pantanal in Brazil. The deposit occurs at the northern base of a dolomitic limestone hill, which is part of a north-south trending ridge that rises 200m above the surrounding Pantanal plains. This area was a shaollow continental sea, and the y overlie a series of conglomerates, volcanic rocks, sandstones shales and banded iron an manganese formations, resting on basement rocks of dolomitic flat-lying limestones of 500m thick. The deposition of carbonates and their subsequent folding aren thought to have occured during the Brasiliano Orogeny, between 500 and 900 million years ago. Although there exist several quartz mineralizations along fault, only Anahi mine produces gemmy quartz.アナイ鉱山では最大で10mにも達する苦灰岩の層中に出来た空洞の割れ目に沿って水晶が結晶しています。下の写真の晶洞からは10トンの結晶が採れました。
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晶洞内の結晶群 (Quartz crystals in pocket) | |||
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取り出された宝石質結晶片 (Recovered gemmy crystal fragment) |
風化層に発見される融蝕された 結晶(15cm) と磨耗礫 (Deeply etched crystals 15cm high and etched pebbles 5cm) |
アナイ鉱山産水晶の色合い (Color variations of Anahi quartz) 5.66〜28.82ct |
最上の色合いのルース 右上 367ct (The best color faceted stones) |
アナイ鉱山ではアメトリンの他に,紫水晶と天然には稀な黄水晶,さらに無色の水晶,黄水晶と二色と,多彩な色合いの水晶が採れます。 紫と金色の二色の水晶が有名ですが、実はアナイ産の天然には稀な金色の水晶は他に例を見ないほど魅惑的な色合いです。
Anahí mine produces, in addition to ametrine, amethyst, rare natural citrine, colorless quartz and by-colored citrine-colorless quartz. Quartz crystals grow from milky base quartzite and crystals have deeper color on top of the crystal.
To assess the gem yield of typical Anahí mine run, one ametrine clustr weighing 37.5kg was cobbed , preformed, and cut yielding 1,763 ct of faceted stone from 1,942 grams of gem rough. These recoveries of less than 1% correspond closely to those obtained by cutting operations that process of ametrine.
アナイ鉱山の水晶の成因 (Anahí quartz mineralization)
All other significant amethyst deposits in production today occur as geodes in intermediate-to-acid flows in flood basalt provinces (Rio grande do Sul), as veins in quartzites and quartz-arenites(Maraba, Jacobine, Vitori da Conquista), or as late-stage crystallization around the quartz cores of pegmatites (Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo).
The geologic conditions in which the Anahí ametrine deposit formed , hosted by carbonate rocks displaying evidence of hydrothermal brecciation, are fairly unusual, which is the vital factor to grow unique natural ametrine crystal.
A 熱水が濃緑色の石灰岩層に浸透して圧力が高まる
The hot mineralized upward solutions may reach a barrier
then get trapped and hydrostatic pressure builds up.B 石灰岩層が破壊され空隙に熱水が侵入して水晶が結晶する
When the rocks burst open, the newly created fractures allow
the solution to migrate again to lead rapid mineral precipitation.
発色の原因 (Cause of color)
(Cross-sections through large complex crystals)三色の部分の成分分析
(Microprobe analysis across the three color sectors)
無色部分 黄水晶部 紫水晶部
(colorless - citrine - amethyst)
黄色ー橙、紫、無色の部分の赤外線スペクトロスコープ分析(Infrared specroscope analysis) 赤外線スペクトロスコープによる黄ー橙、紫、無色の部分の分析では、黄ー橙のシトリン部分が最も高い吸収特性を示しています。この特性はOH-に因るものです。結晶成長時により多くの水分が取り込まれた結晶部分が、後のガンマ線の影響を逃れて紫にならずに黄色ー橙のシトリンになったと考えられます。
Infrared spectroscopy also showed differences between the orange-yellow and purple sectors. The broad band absorption of citrine sector is attributed to small groups of water molecules trapped in the quartz astructure during crystal growth.
When crystal is cut perpendicular to C-axis, orange-yellow, purple and colorless zones are seen clearly separated each other. These zones are analyzed by electron microprobe to determine differences in Fe and Al contents. The result indicate that the orange-yellow sectors invariably have a higher iron(Fe) content(68-125ppm) than the purple(19-40ppm) or the colorless(〜17ppm) sectors. Purple amethyst color is attributed to both heating by high temperature solutions and Gamma-irradiation from 40K, which derives from hydrothermal solutions, reacted with limestone. Orange-yellow color is explained as follows : The high water content undergoes radiolysis(the breakdown of water into O2 and H2 by nuclear reactions) during natural irradiaion, and the H2 generated quenches the Fe4+ color center, preventing the development of the amethyst color.
The geologic conditions in which the Anahí ametrine deposit formed, hosted by carbonate rocks displaying evidence of hydrothermal brecciation, are highly unusual. The silica -bearing fluids probably became alkaline by reacting with the limestone host rocks. We can speculate that that the Anahí
何故発色部分が整然と分かれるのか (Complex color distribution in ametrine)
では何故,一つの結晶の内部の着色がくっきりと区分されているのでしょうか ?
交差偏光で見た時に見える縞模様は発見者に因んでブルースター縞(Blewster fringes)と呼ばれますが,双晶を偏光で観察した場合に見えるものです。
The most striking characteristic of ametrines is their complex color distribution. This color zoning is fairly consistent : The major rhombohedral z sectors are orange-yellow. The purple r sectors are invariably Brazil-twinned with both right-and left-handed quartz. This can be established by viewing a slab with polarized light. The boundaries between left-and right-handed qurtz appear dark under crossed polarizers and these patterns are known as Brewster fringes.
理想的なアメトリン結晶のスライス (A slice of an idealized ametrine crystal) 単結晶のシトリン部分(Z)とブラジル式双晶部分(r)とが
The boundary between r (Brazilian twin ametyst)
and z (untwinned citrine) sectors apears parallel普通の光で見た着色区分
(viewed by ordinary light)偏光で見た着色区分
(viewed by crossed polars)
ユルティ鉱山(Yuruty Mine)
そのうち3%ほどがファセット品質とのこと。写真のようにアナイ産と同様の品質です。27.3 - 299.7ct 6.46 - 35.59ct
Yuruty Mine, new ametrine deposit, locaterd 50km north of the famous Anahí mine, was claimed in mid-1990s.
The deposit is exploited by 〜100 people in underground workings consisting of a 90m shaft and four horizontal tunnels up to 200m long. The operation has been intermittent, but produces an average of 〜40 tonnes/month of mixed grade material, approximately 3% of which is facetable. Yuruty ametrines have equivalent appearance as Anahí ones.
(Modern design and faceting of ametrine)
Gem carving and Jewelry designed by Michael Dyber Gem carving and Jewelry designed
by Bernt Munsteiner 78ct142ct 44ct 263ct 68.9ct
Until the late 1970s, most of the rough material from Anahí was selectively sawed , and only the amethyst sectors were used because the citrine color was considered undesirable. However, if tourmaline could be marketed in bicolored stones, then why not market bicolro quartz, some designers and gem dealers suggested. Then ametrine has become an important medium for some unusaul works of gem art and new fashioning techniques that incorporate amethyst and citrine sectors as part of an overall work of art have recently come into vogue.
合成アメトリン (Synthetic ametrine)
左(left) 合成アメトリン(Synthetic ametrine) 11.3-13.4ct
中央・右(center & right)
天然アメトリン (Natural ametrine) 4.7-35ct
(Multicolor Synthetic Quartz)
8.46ct 21.02ct 18.45ct合成アメトリン結晶
(Synthetic ametrine crystals) 20cm 1.1kg
左 ガンマ照射前の結晶
(left : crystal before gamma radiation)
右 照射後の結晶
(right: crystal after radiation)スライスとルース
slice and faceted stones
Synthetic quartz with the distinctive amethyst-citrine bi-coloration was first mentioned in the russian scientific literature in the late 19450s and early 1960s. In fact, the efforts were underway in Russia in 1977 to understand the fundamental mechanisms of synthesizing ametrine. By 1994, the growth techn ology was successfully established , and the first commercial batch(on the order of 100kg) of synthetic ametrine crysals was produced. In early 2000、a few kilograms per month of synthetic ametine crystals and polished slabs were being sold. Batch capacity has grown to more than 300kg. If necessary to meed demand, several tons of synthetic ametrine a year could be produced by a single laboratory (the Russian Research Institute for Material Synthesis : VNIISIMS)
ロシア産合成アメトリンの技術の概要 (Scientific foundations for the growth of synthetic ametrine)
The technology for synthesizing ametrine is similar to that of other synthetic quartz. The crystals are grown hydrothermally in concentrated alkaline (K2CO3) solutions at temperatures of 330℃ー370℃ and pressures in the range of 1,200 to 1,500 atmospheres, in autoclaves of 1,000 to 1,500 liters in volume.
Because the color of iron-bearing quartz depends on the valence state of the iron, the Russian researchers first had to determine the conditions under which the desired form of iron ions would exist in the quartz-forming hydrotherml solutions. They did this with the help of a calculated diagram (known as an Eh-pH diagram, which shows the stability of ionic and molecular forms of iron in aqueous solution as a function of the oxidation potential(Eh) and that there is a limited regime under which all the iron will be in the trivalent state. Another diagram shows how the color intensity is directly related to the quantity of captured iron impurities.
The growth conditions ( Eh, pH and growth rate) must be closely regulated so that the amethyst-and citrine-forming iron impurities are captured simultaneously by different growth sectors in a crystal. The crystal growth rate of ametrine is almost 10 times slower than that of other synthetic quartzs. The external sector of grown crystal is colorless, which is irradiated by cobalt-60 gamma ray for about 3 hours, resulting in a dose of about 5 Mrads for maximum amethyst color saturation. To fulfill customer requests, occasioally the crystals are heat treated (at 330℃-370℃ for one hour) to reduce the color intensity of the synthetic citrine portion.
酸化ポテンシャル (Eh) と溶液 pH 相関表
Eh:Oxidation potential and pH diagram結晶成長率と色濃度の相関表
(Growth rate and Color intensity diagram)Vrcr:結晶のr面の色が最も濃くなる最大の成長速度点
(Critical growth rate for r face)Vzcr:結晶のz面の色が最も濃くなる最大の成長速度点
(Critical growth rate for z face)1 紫と黄色 領域
(purple and yellow region)V : z面が黄水晶になる最大成長速度限界
VWX : r面が黄水晶になる最大成長速度限界
(At higher growth rates, the r and z faces
incorporate only citrine-forming impurities)2 茶色領域 (brown region)
3 緑領域 (green region)
天然と合成のアメトリンの識別 (Separation of natural and synthetic ametrine)
双晶の干渉 15x天然アメトリンのブラジル式
包有物 10x合成アメトリンのシトリン
部分に現れる流線状の構造Brazil twins are observed
only rarely in the amethyst portion of synthetic ametrineBrazil twins in the amethyst portion of natural ametrine form complex curved patterns Some natural samples show distinctive curved Brazil-twins by thedarker Brewster fringes Needle-like two phase (liquid-gas) inclusions seen only rarely in the citrine portion of the synthetic ametrine Stream-like structures are visible in nthe citrine portion of this synthetic ametrine
The ametrine of Bolivian origine was revealed in 1993. And the Russian synthetic ametrine appeared in the market the next year. Both natural and synthetic ametrines were grown under the similar conditions and the difference is the crystal shape.
Therefore, it will be quite difficult to separate them when polished into faceted stones.
合成アメトリンに見られる特徴 (Characteristics of synthetic ametrine)
In general, synthetic gemstones are often intensely colored than natural ones.
2 黄水晶の部分と紫水晶の部分との境目の特徴が天然と合成では異なる。
Faceted natural ametrine commonly displays a sharp, strait boundary between the citrine and amethyst portions.
3 合成アメトリンのシトリン部分には天然には見られない流線状の構造が見られる。
The crystalographic orientaions of the color zones and the rare
stream-like structures in the synthetic citrine portions are distinctive.
4 天然アメトリンの紫水晶の部分はブラジル式双晶で,しばしばブルースター縞が見られる。
In the amethyst portions of naturasl metrine, Braziil-law twinning is almost alwasy present, and Brewster fringes are often observed.
However, Brazil twinning was seen only rarely in the amethyst portions of synthetic ametrine, in the form ofj subtle parallel twin lamellae.
5 天然アメトリンには液体ー気体の二相の包有物が良く見られますが,合成の場合には稀。
Irregular planes of two-phase inclusions are commonly observed in both color portions of natural ametrine, while they are rarely seen in synthetics.
6 赤外線吸収スペクトルの特性がとりわけシトリン部分で天然と合成とでは大きな差がある。
Natural and synthetic ametrine can be usually separated by their infrared spectra.
7 EDXRF(エネルギー分散型X線分光法)による分析で合成アメトリンは天然と比べて
EDXRF chemical analysis shows highercontents of K, Mn, Fe, and Zn in synthetic ametrine.
These characteristics tells that it is possible to separate ametrine if they are natural or synthetics, but only when examined by expert gemologist, using the most advanced equipments. Since there are not significant price diffences between natural and synthetic ametrine, both commonly sold around USD$5 to 10 per carat, verification cost at laboratory will be more expensive than the stone value itself.
Already since 1999, synthetic ametrines began to appear mixed in natural ametrine parcels in Brazilian market. It will be recommended to buy ametrine through qualified gemstone dealers. Or ignore origines since they are certainly the real ametrines, whatever natural or synthetics.