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24x12cm 5kg Marambaia Minas Gerais,Brasil |
8x2.5cm Belo Oriente Mine Minas Gerais Brazil Keith Proctor Collection |
高さ 8cm Dusso,Pakistan アメリカ自然史博物館 American Museum of Natural History New York |
高さ 25cm 微斜長石と Shigar Valley, Pakistan Smisthonian Institution Washington DC, U.S.A. |
化学組成 Composition |
結晶系 Crystal System |
モース硬度 Hardness |
比重 Density |
屈折率 Refractive Index |
Al2Be3Si6O18 | 六方晶系 Hexagonal |
8 | 2.68−78 | 1.577ー583 |
アクアマリンは5000年もの昔からエジプト人によって知られていたようですが、その名は,ラテン語の”水=Aqua” ”海=Mare”が語源です。
Aquamarine has been known by ancient Egyptian for 5000 years. The name derives from Latin "Aqua : Water and Mare : Sea".
Essentially, aquamarine is a name for gemmy transparent blue beryl. But the name became popular and today, even blue colored specimen crystal is generally called aquamarine.
アクアマリンの色について (Color of Aquamaine)
ただし、加熱処理をしても色が濃くなるわけではありません。 色の濃さは不純物として含まれる鉄の含有量が決定します。
Aquamarine color varies from pale blue to pale greenish-blue, pale green and intense blue, depending on localities.
These different colors are mainly caused by iron impurity : Pale blue is caused by di-valent ferric ion impurity, green by tri-valent ferric ion. However, charge transfer and inter-valence charge transfer with between Fe2+ and Fe3+ through oxgen ion contibutes darker blue, too. These complicated coloring mechanisms give different rich hue to world's aquamarines.
The most important Brazilian quamarines are generally green colored . But most of them are heat treated to becom blue aquamarine to meet the market demands, as well as green beryl, golden heliodor and pink morganite. Heat treatment changes only colors and not color deepness, which is determined by the iron impurity level.
天然のアクアマリン (Natural Aquamaine)
4.60ct 1.91ct
Brazil SrilankaMozambique 11.94ct 19x10.7mm
Salem, Tamir Nadu, India加熱処理のアクアマリン
(Heated aquamarine)
Natural green beryl and
Blue aquamarine after heating
Teofilo Otoni, Minas Gerais1.60ct 1.69ct 0.71ct Madras India 15.4ct 18x13mm
Nuwala Eliya, SrilankaBrazil
Aquamarines from other localities, such as : Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Srilanka, Nigeria, Mozambique and Madagascar etc., most of aquamarines are intrinsically intense blue color and does not require heat treatment. It is not impossible to identify if aquamarine is heat treated or not. However, in general heat treatment does not affect the commercial value, because of popularity and color stability after heat treatment.
世界のアクアマリン (World's aquamarine)
6.7ct 10.7x10mm
Minas Gerais
Kangyam, Madras
Klein Spitzkoppe
Namibia3.14ct 3.53ct
Erongo Mtn. Namibia21ct Finarantsoa
3.1ct 9.2mm
Mogok Burma10.12ct/6.91ct
Zambia結晶 6cm ルース 76ct
Natural History Museum
Los, Angelesルース 3.50〜18.95ct
Mt.Antero Sawach Range
Colorado U.S.A.高さ 2.1cm
Boise Co.
Idaho U.S.A.
Shigar Valley
Pakistan12.8ct 35.5x8.5mm
Pakistanアクアマリン結晶 2.6ct 10x6mm 7.9x1.3x1.3mm
Fano mine, Coahuila Mtn. Riverside Co. California
加えて、1980年代頃からパキスタンのカラコルム山脈の Dasso や Shigar 渓谷からアフガニスタンのヒンズークシュ山脈の Nooristan に至るペグマタイト鉱脈地帯に美しい結晶が発見されるようになりました。
つい最近ですが、ヴェトナムからもアクアマリンが報告されるようになりました。 しかし数量は限られています。
僅かにコロラド州のアンテロ山とカリフォルニア州、サンディエゴのペグマタイト鉱床から時々美しい宝石質の結晶が採れます。 殆どがコレクター向けの結晶標本となります。
Aquamarine is produced worldwide from Srilanka, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Mozambique,Namibia,Madagascar, etc. But Brazil has been the most important and dominant producer of gem aquamarine, since long.
We see superb crystal collections at museums and most of the striking aquamarine crystals are of Brazilian origine. Since 1980's, beautiful aquamarinecrystals from Pakistan and Afghanistan appeared to the world market. They are both from pegmatite of Dasso and Shigar Velley of Karakoram Mtns, Pakistan and Nooristan Velley of Hindukush, Afghanistan. Although beautifully shaped, because of pale color, most of Pakistan and Afghan aquamarine crystals are sold as crystal specimens rather than jewellery use.
Recently, aquamarine from Vietnam appeared into the world market but with limited quantity.
United States has many gem producing pegmatite zone, such as California and Maine etc. Tourmalines, spodumen, spessartine, morganite etc. are the representative gems from these locality.
However, it is strange that agem quality aquamarines are rarely reported and very few crystals are seen as specimen.
ロシアのアクアマリン (Russian Aquamarine)
1091ct 88.6x49.8x34.9mm
674ct 73.5x50.0x34.5mm
left 5.1cm
Alabaschka, Ural Mtns.
現在は何処に ?
Once, Russian aquamarine from Ural Mtns. and Siberian pegmatite have been the legendary gems. Today, we seldom have an occasion to see Russian aquamarine in the market. Did Russian pegmatite exhasuted ? A few example of the transparent crystals remind us of its legendary quality.
Phots of the huge facetted aquamarine are said to have come from the collection of The Romanof Family. They were presented at the Christy's auction at London in 1995 to appeal that such huge and high quality aquamarine was an event since 50 years.
The contract price was estimated from US$110,000 to 160,000.
But it was not reported who awarded at which price. Where are they now ?
ブラジルのアクアマリン (Brazilian Aquamarine)
Renowned Brazilian Aquamarines
Mucuri river aquamarine
Martha Rocha quality aquamarine
ブローチ(brooch) 54ct
指輪(ring) 35ct Medina mineコロネル・ムルタ鉱山産アクアマリン
中央の石(center stone) 5ct
Coronel Muruta mine
ブラジルのアクアマリン鉱床 (Brazilian aquamarin deposits) ミナス・ジェライス州北東部のペグマタイト
青印のイニシアルがアクアマリン産地 赤はトルマリン
Pegmatite mines of North-Eastern Minas Gerais;
La:Laranjeiras F:Frade−Colonel Murta Mx:Maxixe
FL:Fortaleza Me:Medina HI:Happy Island
Mu:Mucaia−Murundu Q:Quarto Centenario
P-TB-U:Pioneer−Três Barras−Urubu P:Papamel
Ub:Mina Urubu MR:Marta Rocha上(top) : Padre Paraisoの初成鉱床
(Primary Pegmatite Dike of Padre Paraiso)
下(bottom) : Malambaia川流域の漂砂鉱床
(Alluvial deposit of Malambaia River)上(top)
Três Barrasの残積鉱床
(Elluvial Deposit)
Frade Valleyの漂積鉱床
(Colluvial Deposit)
とりわけ、リオ・デ・ジャネイロの北東100km程のパライバ川周辺からほぼ真北に幅 300km、長さ 800km に及ぶペグマタイト地帯には数千ヶ所のアクアマリン産地が存在します。
Brazil has been renowned as an outstanding aquamarine producer of the world. Aquamarine is mined in Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba states. However, the most significant mines are located from north-eastern Minas Gerais to Espirito Santo and Bahia states. Particularly, 100km north east from Rio de Janeiro, pegmatite zone lying 300km wide and 800km north from Paraiba river area are the major aquamarine producing zone with several thousands of mines.
In Brazil, aquamarine crystals are found in various conditions ; primary pegmatite dike, where gem crystals are in place(in situ) in the surrounding host rock and different secondary deposits ; elluvial deposit where old vein weathered away and the altered decomposed gem pocket settled in the gravels and clays, colluvial deposit, where decomposed dispersed gem pockets moved both vertically and laterally down-slope, alluvial deposit : Lies in gravel on the valley floor and gem stones, in the ancient river bed, are often rounded from having been tumbled.
Therefore, aquamarine crystals are mined everywhere in these vast areas.
数多い産地の中で、テオフィーロ・オトーニの北50kmにあるマランバイア渓谷とアラスアイの北西、フラージ渓谷のコロネル・ムルタ - ラランジェイラス一帯とは、とりわけ歴史に残る大きく美しい見事なアクアマリンの結晶を数多く産出してきました。
また、次のピオネア鉱山にて1967年に発見された ”暁の星 (Estrela de Alva)” と名付けられた結晶もほぼ100%近い宝石質の巨大な結晶でした。
Among many localities, Marambai Valley, 50km north of Teofilo Otoni, and Coronel Murta-Larangeiras area along Frade Valley, north west of Araçuai have been produced historical crystals. As shown in the following photos, a superb crystral displayed at The American museum of Natural History, New York is a part of the biggest and the most beautiful ever found in 1910 at Papamel mine. This crystal is so clean that a newspaper located beneath the 50cm high crystal can be read from the top.
The value of this crystal is estimated US$25 millions, today.
Next photol, mined in 1967 at Papamel mine and named "Estrela de Alva" was huge(100cm and 19.6kg) and entirely gemmy
crystal. Although Pioneer mine produced 1500kg of such crystals, almost all were cut for gemstone and only one specimen is reserved as keith Proctor collection.
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21cm 452g Agua Preta Amsterdam Sauer Collection |
発見当初48.5cmx40.6cm(径) 110.5kgもあった結晶の一部 Papamel鉱山 Marambaia渓谷 アメリカ自然史博物館 American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A. |
”暁の星”と命名されたアクアマリン 当初100x18cm 19.2kgあった結晶の残り 1/4 1967年 Pioneer鉱山で発見 周囲は加熱処理後にカットされたルース Aquamarine crystal named "Estrela de Alva(Dawn Star)" found in 1967 at Pioneer mine 1/4 of originally 100x18cm 19.2kg |
13.8x7cm 898g Pioneer Mine Keith Proctor Collection |
マルタ・ローチャ アクアマリン (Martha Rocha Aquamarine)
現在では、50年も昔のミス・ブラジルの栄光はすでに忘れられてしまい、最上級の濃い色合いのアクアマリンはサンタ・マリア級と呼ばれているようです。 サンタ・マリア鉱山も同じ地域にあります。
In 1954, from Mucuri Valley area, a 34.7kg of intense blue color crystal was found and name "Marta Rocha" after the name of Miss Brazil. Thenafter, the best quality aquamarine was classified as "Marta Rocha" class. Similar crystals found followed by Coronel Murta mine, near Araçuai, 50km north west of Marambaia are and Medina mine etc. and the best quality aquamarines were facetted. Today, the best quality aquamarine is called "Santa Maria" class, instead, after the mine also exists in the same area.
インドのアクアマリン (Indian Aquamarine)
高さ 32cm 9.8kgの結晶
Karur Dist. Tamir Nadu
Adalberto Giazotto
Collection, Pisa Italia
Photo : Jeff Scovilツーソンでの特別展示のアクアマリン結晶
Special Display at 2000 Tucson Show
左奥の結晶(Left) 12cm 2.3kg 右側(Right) 32cm 9.8kg
Tamir Nadutop : 171ct and 30ct
bottom : 12ct 19x11mm
Tamir Nadu
しかし1980 年代末頃から、オリッサ州、その南のアーンドラ・プラデシュ州,更に最南部のタミル・ナードゥ州と次々に宝石ペグマタイト鉱床が発見され、ルビー、サファイア、キャッツアイを含むクリソベリルやアレクサンドライト、トルマリン、アイオライト,ジルコン,緑柱石、等々、高品質の宝石の産出が少しづつ漏れ伝わって来るようになりました。
この結晶は現在イタリアのピサで世界有数の個人の鉱物結晶コレクションとしてネット上で公開されています。今後この地域からどのような宝石結晶と情報がもたらされるのか楽しみです。Apart from the renowned Golconda diamond mine, India has long been a minor gem producer with garnet, star diopside, sun stone, moon stone and low quality emerald and star ruby etc.
However, since late 1980's, quality gem stone, such as Ruby, Sapphire, Crysoberyl, Alexandrite, Tourmaline, Iolite, Zircon and Beryls etc. has been reported from states of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc.
Although detailes of gems and gem localities are not reported yet, the striking gem stones and gem crystal are mined.
Above photos are example of the indian aquamarines. Center photo shows aquamarined crystal at Tucson show 2000. It's color, transparency, dimensions and perfect crystal forms are nothing but a surprise and excitement.
The detailed reports on Indian gems will be an spectacular event.
カナダのブルーベリル (Blue beryl from Canada)
Mining of beryl-bearing deposit
Yukon Territory, Canada石英と燐灰石中のアクアマリン結晶 4mm
long aquamarine with quartz andfluorite
True Blue property, Yukon Territory,
20世紀初めにゴールドラッシュで賑わったユーコン河流域では Regal Ridge にて1998年にエメラルドが発見されました。そして2003年8月に、Regal Ridge の南東100km程の場所に青いベリルが発見されました。
発見された一帯では古生代、ミシシッピー期 (3億2000年前) の螢石を含む閃長岩の地層を貫く石英ー大理石ー電気石からなる厚さ 0.5〜20cm の脈中に青い緑柱石が集中して生成しています。
700x200m の範囲に100ヶ所以上もの鉱脈が露出しています。
2003年9月には 65kg のサンプルが採集され,そこから 58g の緑柱石の結晶が得られました。
結晶は最大で長さ 58mm、直径は 11mm と小さく亀裂とインクルージョンにより不透明です。
分析の結果、FeO が 1.54〜5.81% と異常に多量に含まれていて、これが濃い青の発色の原因と考えられます。
1962年にアリゾナ州で青い緑柱石が発見され, 分析の結果 4.69% と高い酸化鉄の含有が確認されましたが、今回の発見はそれを上回る最高の鉄分の濃度の高い緑柱石の発見です。
The Arctic region of Canada is recently being agressively developed to become important diamond mining area.
In the Yukon River territory, 100 years after the gold rush, mineral resouces are being researched in a large scale and new gem minerals and rare specimens draw atentions of mineral collectors. In 1998, emerald was reported at Regal Ridge and in August 2003, blue beryl was discovered at 100km south east of Regal Ridge.
The beryl occurs in a swarm of closely spaced quartz-carbonate-tourmaline veins that cut a Mississippian-age (320 million years) fluorite-bearing syenite stock.. The vein zone measures 700x200m in outcrop where more than 100 occurences of beryl have been found on the surface. In september 2003, 65kg of samples were hand collected which contained 58 grams of blue beryl. Individual crystals ranged up to 38mm long and 11mm in diameter. Due to abundant fractures, all sample of facetted stones were stabilized by resin-impregnation and tesed for research purpose. The analysis revealed extremely high contents (1.54〜5.81%) of FeO, which is the cause of deep blue. The blue beryl discovered at Arizona in 1965 was reported to contain high 4.69% of FeO.
The blue beryl newly discovered at Yukon River territory, Canada is interesting for its higher FeO contents.
普通のアクアマリン (Ordinary Aquamarine)
本家のブラジルでさえも、宝石として使える結晶は 10% 足らず、しかもそのうち 95% は淡い色の中級以下の品質と言うのが実情ですから、その他の国々で採れるアクアマリンの品質は推して知るべしです。
まずは日本産の結晶から。 岐阜県苗木は日本のペグマタイトではかつて宝石級のトパーズを産出しましたが、緑柱石も、辛うじて宝石に順ずる結晶を産出した事もあります。
Most of aquamarines quoted before are of extraordinary specimens. which just we watch them with a sigh.
But, all aquamarines are not such museum piece. It is relatively a common mineral in the pegmatite vein.
Even in Brazil, less than 10% of mined crystal are of gem quality, of which 95% are pale colored under middle class.
Imagine, general aquamarines from other localities.
Aquamarine is, however, one of the most attractive mineral for its simple and decent geometrical form, and its attractive color, whether it is small, not transparent, or pale color.
Followings are aquamarine crystal from the world ;
First from Japan ;
The pegmatite of Naegi, Gifu is the only one locality to have produced museum class gemmy topaz crystal. Photo shows quite rare gemmy aquamarine crystal and facetted stone. The granite quarry of Yamanoo, Ibaragi once produced transparent gemmy aquamarine crystal. Photo is my self collected transparent crystal for 45 years ago. I used to visit the quarry 60km far by bicycle on unpaved muddy road for how many times, just for these small crystals. Recently I got the aqauamarine crystal from the nearby Busshouji pegmatite, which was not reported in the literature.
Fuji, Sugiyama, Saga remains the only one active pegmatite vein in Japan. This area is famous for porcelin production, such as , Kakiemon, Imari, Arita and Karatsu. Recently there was a discovery of new feldspar veins, which might result in the new aquamarine deposit.
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ルース 9.3x6.7mm 結晶 35mm 岐阜県苗木町後山 Naegi, Gifu, Japan |
Above : 4x3cm Below : 11x4mm 16x2mm 茨城県真壁町 山の尾 Yamanoo, Ibaragi, Japan |
2cm 茨城県八郷町仏生寺 Ibaragi, Japan |
17x15mm 佐賀県 富士 杉山 Fuji Sugiyama Saga Japan |
75x70mm Madagascar |
Altai Mtns. pegmatite is located near China, Russia and Afghanistan border and produce handsome crystals of grossularia and pyrope garnet. Although this 6cm long crystal is not transparent, its pepermint candy like color is really delicious.
Namibian gems, such as grandite garnet and blue-green tourmaline gave strong impact to the world gem market. Erongo Mtn. is renowned for rare gems like Jeremejevite and demantoid garnet. Erongo aquamarine crystals are mostly small and heavily included and are rarely facetted.
Aquamarine from Joqueto mine, Bahia Brazil has lost the crystal form due to hydrothermal etching process, but what a pleasing color they have !!
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64x28mm Altai Mtns. China |
27x8mm Erongo Mtn. Namibia |
Aquamarine(23x19mm) with Schorl Erongo Mtn. |
4cm Klein Spitzkoppe Namibia |
高さ 9.3cm Joqueto Mine Bahia, Brazil |
写真の12.8ctのルースは淡い色合いながら魅力的なアクアマリンに違いありません。 これほどの透明で大きなルースがカラット当たり400円足らずです。
Aquamarine crystals from Pakistan and Afghanistan are, star of todays mineral shows, thanks to their beautiful crystal form.
Because of vast popularity, price is increasing year by year, yet within the affordable level, fortunately. Due to its rather pale color, most of them are sold as crystal specimen. But 12.8ct facetted stone is simply beautiful.
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72x52mm | 73x15mm | 12.8ct 35.5x8.5mm | 48x42mm | 38x38mm |
Dusso, Pakistan | Afghanistan |
マシーシャ型ベリル (Maxixe type Beryl)
(Maxixe type Beryl)マシーシャ型が8時間日光に晒されて褪色した例
(Color faded after 8 hours
exposure to the Sun)マシーシャ型? 10.4x9.2mm 2.9ct
Intense blue color aquamarine
but with stable color
Maxixeとはブラジル、ミナス・ジェライスのマランバイア地区から 50km 程北のピアウイ渓谷にあるアクアマリン鉱山です。
魅力的な色合いですから、強い光に晒して褪色させる実験だけは行っていませんが、もう 20年以上、もちろん長時間日光に晒さずに保存していますが、特に色が褪せた様子はありません。
こんなに長期間褪色しないとなるとマシーシャ・ベリルの筈が無く、アクアマリンの、 二価と三価の鉄イオンが電荷を交換し合う価電子間電荷移動によるカラーセンターで濃い青の発色が起きるタイプであると思われます。
Intense blue sapphire colored beryl is called Maxixe type, which name derives from Maxixe aquamaine mine located in the Piaui Valley, 50km north from Malambaia area, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
This blue beryl was found in 1917 from Maxixe mine, thenafter followed by nearby mines.
The characteristic of Maxixe type beryl is its attractive intense blue color.
However, its color is quite unstable and fades in a short time after exposure to strong light or high temperature.
The faded color can be recovered by high energy ray radiation, but color instability remains, as a nature.
The intense blue color derives from color center occurence caused by (CO3)- color centers in case of natural stone, and NO3 color centers, in case of artificial radiation.アクアマリンの値段について (About aquamarine price)アクアマリンは、かつては他のベリルと同じ、取りたてて人気がある宝石と言うわけでもありませんでした。
Aquamarine was before The 2nd world war, not popular gem stone and was priced as same level as other beryls for US$10 to 50.
Probably, because of the discovery of the finest quality crystals, like Marta Rocha, popularity exploded and price sky-rockegted to record US$800/carat at the peak of eary 1980's. Now price level is dropped and the best quality stone is quoted at US$400 per carat. The main reason of price drop is the apparition of aritificially blue colored topaz with high-energy and heat treated process. Marta Rocha class deep blue colored fascinating topaz is offered at the highest US$10 and the lowest less than US$1
and aquamarine had no arguments against topaz damping price.
However, the Deluge supply of artificially steely sharp colored blue topaz(1 billion ct per year) reminded poeple of the aquamarine for its decent color and price is again increasing steadily.