ダンベリー石 (Danburites) 0.95 - 6.93ct Madagascar, Russia, Mexico and Burma |
水晶を伴うダンベリー石結晶 5cm Danburite crystal with quartz Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico Romero Mineralogical Museum, Mexico |
ダンベリー石(Danburites) 0.66 - 1.12ct Tanzania |
結晶形 (Crystal form) |
結晶系 (Crystal system) |
化学組成 (Composition) |
モース硬度 (Hardness) |
比重 (Density) |
屈折率 (Refractive Index) |
直方晶系 (Orthorhombic) |
CaB2Si2O8 | 7-7½ | 2.97 - 3.03 | 1.630-638 |
名前について(About name)
Danbury はダンバリーと発音したくなりますが、英語の bury (埋める、埋葬する) と同様に u はエと発音されます。
ロンドン郊外の町、Sunbury on Thames, Newbury 等、いずれもサンベリー、ニューベリーと発音されます。
ただし鉱物の danburite の発音の場合は bu の母音がAの口を空けて e と u の中間のような発音になり、人によっては母音が殆ど聞き取れないbの発音にもなりますから日本語で正しく表記することは困難です。
因みにコネチカット (connecticut : 結んで切る) 州の名も妙な地名と長年不思議に思っていましたが、これは原住民の発音に由来する当て字と最近ようやく分かりました。
成因と産状 (Occurence)
産状はペグマタイトやアルプス型の熱水脈、スカルン中の接触変成鉱床、グライゼン等多様な成因があります。 Mindata で調べると世界で70ヶ所余りで産出が報告されています。
Danburite name derives from the first discovery at the town of Danbury, Connecticut, U.S.A., in 1839. There, danburite crystal was discovered in dolomite with feldspar and many pegmatite minerals. The occurences are hydrothermal in pegmatite cavities, ore veins at Alpine-type veins ; metamorphic in skarns and contact metamophosed rocks. Although more than 70 localities are reported world-wide, well formed crystals from San Luis Potosi, Mexico dominates the specimen supply.
A few imperial topaz-like golden crystals from Madagascar, Burma and Russia are facetted mainly for collectors collection.
Danburite is intrinsically colorless. The golden color is attributed to the charge transfer by iron and titanium impurity.
Once Japanese mines produced colorless transparent crystals, which was facetted as dimond simulant.
メキシコのダンベリー石(Mexican danburite)
Aurora, Bufa, San Bartolo and San Sebastian, four mines of silver, copper and zinc, produce colorless(rarely pale pink) up to 10cm long crystals are collected from sulfied ore veins.
Over 10 carat stones are faceted for collectors purpose.0.95ct 9x5mm 1.08ct 8.5x6mm 5.44ct 19.30x8.68mm San Luis Potosi, Mexico
46x21mm 23mm 30mm 28mm 24mm 27mm 19mm 18mm San Luis Potosi, Mexico
マダガスカルのダンベリー石(Danburite from Madagascar)
5.9ct 19x8.1mm 6.93ct 26.2x6.2mm 25.5x8.6mm 21.1x8.5mm
Sahatamy Valley
主に島の中央部の Sahatany 渓谷の Antandrokomby やその北側の Betafo-Antsirabe 等のペグマタイト地帯にて50cmを越える大きな結晶が発見され、100カラットを超える特大のルースが研磨されています。
While rich mineral and gem resouces were discovered in Madagascar in late 19th to early 20th centuries, gemmy danburites wer reported from various pegmatite zones, mainly in the central islands ; Antanadrokomby and Betafo-Antsirabe are. Huge golden crystals over 50cm yielded over 100 carats faceted stones. Having slightly higher refractive index than topaz, danburite is one of the most attractive gemstones unknown to general public. Thanks to lesser popularity, faceted stones fetch never higher than US$10 per carat.
タンザニアのダンベリー石(Tanzanian Danburite)
2.26ct 10.1x8.1mm | 1.12ct 7.6x7.5mm | 0.66ct 8.1x4.9mm |
Morogoro region, Tanzania |
ただし宝石質の結晶は5kg 以下でした。
この産地からは最大で22.4 カラットのルースと透明ー黄色ー金色のルースが得られます。
ビルマのダンベリー石(Burma Danburite)
Mogok, Burma has been the major supplier of golden danburite till 1990, until Madagascar replaced it's position. Occurence seems to be both primary and alluvial deposits. Rare green colored stone is reported too, only from Burma.2.54ct 11.7x8.2mm 稀な緑の石 21.5ct
Rare green stone結晶(Crystals)
26mm & 10mmMogok, Burma
ロシアのダンベリー石(Russian danburite)
放棄されたダンベリー石鉱山 Abandoned Danburitiy Mine |
21.2x6.3x5cm ex-F.Pough Collection |
18.5cm |
宝石質結晶 Gemmy crystal |
唯一の露天掘り鉱山 Only operating open pit |
Danburitiy Mine | Bor(Boron) Quarry | |||||
Dal'negorsk, Russia | ||||||
5.44ct 12.8x9.5cm | 5.84ct 11.7mm |
Dal'negorsk, Russia |
The Dal'negorsk mineral deposit, located 35km from the sea of Japan, were discovered in 1872 by the Chinese. In 1887 the Russians settled the region and started mining with 8 mines located within 15km around the town of Dal'negorsk for lead, zinc, bismuth, silver, cadmium, indium and boron. Today four of these mines are operating and some of closed mines are open for mineral specimen collectors.
The geology of the Dal'negorsk region is complex because of repeated plate techtonic events. The oldest rocks in this area are limestones, sandstones and siltsontes of Upper Triassic to Upper Jurassic age. They were pushed into their present position as a result of the subduction under the East Coast of Russia. Overlying the sediments are Cretaceous tuffs. All of these rocks are faulted and are intruded by a series of igneous rocks. Then followed by two series of Tertiary intrusions associated with the boron mineralization. There are many combinations of minerals of over 160 species, of which huge crystals of quartz, calcite, axinite, fluorite, datolite and danburites, etc., grown in the cavities of ancient hydrothermal veins, ranging in size from a few centimeters across to the size of a house.
Danburite has been found only in the Danburitiy mine, which was an abandoned open pit once mined briefly for boron. It occured as transparent, prismatic crystals from several mm in size to large 40cm crystal. A crystal specimen photo of ex-F.Pough collection reminds us of the potentiality of this region.
** F.Pough博士の名前ですが、今まで”パフ”と記載していました。cough (咳) 、rough (荒々しい) 、tough (頑強な、困難な) 等々、多くの同じ綴りの単語がカフ、ラフ、タフと発音されるためです。
ポー博士は今年の4月に99歳で亡くなりましたが、Lapidary Journal 誌 6月号の冒頭の追悼文の中で、編集者達がしばしば博士の文章を "Pough-etry" として "Poe" ポーと発音するとの付記がありました。
再び Pough の発音ですが、やはり一般にはパフと発音されます。
New York Times 紙に掲載された追悼文にも同様に発音についての注が付いていたことからもポーの発音が異例であることが伺えます。
何故ポーと発音されるのか調べてみると、Pough の家名は古英語で孔雀を意味する Pawa に由来し、後にPoe, Po Poes , Pow , 等様々な綴りに変わって伝えられたとの事。
現在のフランス語では孔雀は paon (パンと発音される) ですから、おそらく10世紀頃のノーマン・コンクエストの時代に古英語に入った言葉と思われます。
当時のフランス語は古英語の pawa と言う綴りからするとラテン語の pavo (パヴォ) に近い綴りと発音だったと推定されます。
作家の Edgar Allan Poe が同じ家系に属します。
The Bor(Boron) quarry opened in 1958, is the only operating open pit in the area, and is being mined for datolite as a source of boron. The mine now produce 200,000 tons a year of boron concentrate (8 to 10% B2O3) from ore with 30 to 45% datolite. In the Bor open pit danburite is represented by pseodomorphs up to 60cm which proved to be a mixture of calcite, quartz and datolite. In the ancient hydrothermal cavities not filled with andesite, they have been replaced by crystals of quartz and datolite that have the general shape of the danburite. Some danburite of this locality have been irradiated to produce a deep golden orange color.
The Malkhan pegmatites of The Transbaikal region is famous for gem tourmalines. The pegmatites appears to be related to Jurasic granitic plutons that have intruded Proterozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks. At least 200 pegmatites are located within the malkhanskiy district. Of these, seven are currently productive. The most extensive and productive of these is the Mokhovaya pegmatite, which is granitic in compostion and contains adundant miarolitic pockets, which contains various pegmatite minerals, such as gemmy tourmalines.
In some pockets tourmaline is coated with a crust of fine -grained danburitecrystal. A few pockets contain large (up to 5cm) gemmy orange danburite crystals.
その他の産地のダンベリー石(Danburite from other localities)
ラモナ産結晶 20x12x12mm Rare danburite from Ramona Little Three Mine, Ramona California |
両端を示す結晶 danburite 40x30x20mm Alto Chapara, Cochabamba Bolivia |
サファイアのようなダンベリー石 11ct Golden sapphire-like Danburite Srilanka |
11.52ct Nirialla River near Ratnapura Srilanka |
In addition to fore-mentioned localities, more than 70 world localities are reported. Danburite is quite rare in pegmatite zone in California. The specimen from Little Three mine, Ramona is a rare example of this locality.
From new locality of Alto Chapare, Bolivia, danburite is collected from low-temperature metamorphic breccia, originated from Cambrian or Pre-cambrian evaporite, rich with magnesium and boron, in association with new tourmaline specy, povondraite, hematite, fine-grained magnesite and dolomite, talc, K-feldspar, gypsum and anhydrite etc. Although gray colored and translucent, both end terminated crystal form is interesting.
There are no descriptions about Srilankan danburite in any literatures. However, superb facetted stone, such as golden-sapphire like stone in photo is repoted once for 10 years.
日本のダンベリー石(Danburite from Japan)
(Danburite crystals)19 24 20mm宝石質の結晶 25mm
Gem quality danburite宮崎県 土呂久鉱山 Toroku Mine, Miyazaki, Japan Once, Toroku and Obira tin mines in Kyusyu Island in Japan produced world-famous superb danburite crystals. Some transoparent crystals were faceted as diamond simulant. Danburite from Toroku and Obira mines is sited even today in world's mineral literatures together with Japanes sword-like huge stibinite crystal from Ichinokawa mine, Ehime, Shikoku Island.