天藍石(Lazulite) | |
0.57ct 4.9x4.9mm | 0.42ct 7.1x4.5mm |
Laila Mtn, Pakistan | Brazil |
化学組成 (Composition) |
結晶系 (Crystal System) |
結晶形 (Crystal Form) |
モース硬度 (Hardness) |
比重 (Density) |
屈折率 (Refractive Index) |
(Mg,Fe)Al2(PO4)2(OH)2 | 単斜晶系 (Monoclinic) |
5½ - 6 | 3.1-4 | 1.61−64 |
名前と産状(Name and Occurence)
同じ色合いのラピスラズリ (青金石:Lazurite) や藍銅鉱 (Azurite) と同様にペルシア語で青を意味する ”lazaward” に因み命名されました。
Hydrothermal in quartz veins and granitic pegmatites, where it is formed by decomposition of primary phosphates. Found asscociated with high grade metamorphic silicate minerals such as the kyanite-andalusite-sillimanite group, quartz, muscovite and garnet. Both localities and production of lazulite quite are quite limited, and spcimens showing clear crystal shapes are rare.
Faceted lazulite from Brazil is, although extremely rare and small (no bigger than 0.5ct), as well as haüyn, one of the most spectacular blue color among all gemstones.
天藍石(Lazulite) 0.42ct 7.1x4.5mm Brazil |
記録的な大きさの天藍石ルース 5.85ct 10.60x10.10x6.12mm An unusual large lazulite |
Moderately included 0.42ct stone is from Brasil, probably from pegmatite in Bahia State. Phosphate minerals are often heavily included, due to weak atomic bond. Relatively large size for faceted lazulite and bright blue color compensate enough the inclusion. Record making 5.85 stone made a sensation. The real color of this stone is, including orage back color, is a question.
天藍石の発色(Coloring mechanism of lazulite)
そっくりの色合いの藍方石 (アウイン) の発色は硫黄の電荷移動によるものですが、天藍石の場合は二価と三価の鉄イオンの電子とが酸素を介在して移動する際に赤から緑に至る低い波長の光を吸収するために残った青が見える、電荷移動 (Fe2+ - O - Fe3+) という仕組みが原因です。
恐らく不純物として含まれる二価と三価の鉄イオンが不安定なために O2- » Fe3+ の電荷移動、更に三価の鉄イオンの八面体配位等,その他の発色の仕組みが組み合わせが強く影響していると考えられます。
同様な発色例はサファイア、藍晶石 (カイアナイト)、緑柱石等広範に起こります。
Intrinsically, lazulite is trichroic in blue(often very dark), greenish blue, and pale straw yellow, although it is hardly visible in Brazilian stone. While similar bright blue of haüyn is colored by S3- chargetransfer, lazulite is colored by Fe2+ - O - Fe3+ charge transfer. The recent discovery of yellow-yellowish green-green - greenish blue luzulite from Pakistan seems to colored be with additional O2-» Fe3+ plus Fe3+ octahedral coordination. Such blue to green coloration is commonly seen such as sapphyre, kyanite and beryls, etc. etc.
天藍石の主な産地(Lazulite localities)
鉱山での採集光景 Mainpit collecting |
天藍石を含む団塊 Busting boulders for lazulite crystals |
27x23mm 最大の結晶 7mm Lazulite crystals in quartz |
Graves Mountain, Georgia, U.S.A. |
天藍石結晶 1.5cm と菱鉄鉱
Lazulite crystal with siderite
and pale purple fluoapatite石英中の天藍石
Lazulite in quartz石英中の天藍石 10x8mm
Lazulite nodule in quartziteRapid Creek, Yukon Territory
Northern CanadaMitra, Slovak Republic Pizo Canciano, Val Malenco, Italia
ヨーロッパ・アルプス(European Alps)
Lazulite are discovered as nodules in the hydrothermal vein of European Alps. A half century ago, at Zermatt, Switzerland, luzulite nodule was discovered while working for the ropeway construction. In the Italian Alps of Val Malenco, a small quantity of lazulite was reported.
グレイヴス山 (Graves Mountain, Georgia, U.S.A.)
ゴルフで名高いオーガスタの北西60km程の地点にあり、Google Map で露天掘り鉱山が衛星写真にはっきりと写って見えます。
Graves Mountain mine opened in 1961 mainly for kyanite mining for heat-resistant ceramic and porcelains and once produced the half of entire American production. Today, mine is opned each three days in April and October for mineral collectors.
Small and opaque but nice blue lazulite crystals are discovered together with iridescent hematite, spectacular rutile crystal and blue quartz etc.
カナダ北極圏・ユーコン河流域(Rapid Creek, Yukon Territory, Northern Danada)
In the early 1970's a remarkable deposits of phosphate minerals was discovered in the Rapid Creek area of the northern Yukon Territory, Canada, while exploring for gas and oil, which operation started in 1959. Of all the species found in the Rapid Creek area, certainly the one that has received the most attention is lazulite. No other locality in the world has produced specimens of comparable quality and quantity. Fine crystals of Yukon territory is however, too dark and opaque to cut as gemstone.
ブラジルのペグマタイト(Brazilian Pegmatites)
We know of only one good-sized facet-quality piece, a fairly large, etched, Brazilian crystal with spectacular transparency and trichroism. An occasional small, gemmy fragments has been cut, but nothing else has been found capable of yielding anything larger than a carat or two(may be as many as five), recovered from pegmatites in Espinhaço range, stretching between Minas Gerais and Bahia. Diamantina pegmatites are the most representative locality.
It is indeed a regret that gemstones with spectacular color like, lazulite and haüyn are so scarece and yields only a tiny pieces. Dr. Frederick Pough describes in Lapidary Journal December 1994, "The likelyhood is that if we are ever to find a gemmy, i.e., transparent deposit, it will be pegmatic, .... my prediction is, for the ultimate occurence, look to the mountains (the Himalayas, in particular)
パキスタンの天藍石(Lazulite from Pakistan)
濃緑のルース 0.57ct
4.9mm Faceted dark-green stone |
黄緑色の天藍石とカボション(5.8ct)とルース(4ct) Cabochon(5.8ct) and faceted stone(4ct) with yellow-green lazulite ウィーン自然史博物館(Natural History Museum, Vienna) |
2色の結晶 4.8cm Yellow-green bi-color crystal Obodda Collection |
Laila Mountain, near Gilgit, Skardu, Pakistan |
場所はパキスタンのギルギットに近い Dassu からハラモシュ峠 (標高4800m) への途上に聳えるライラ山 (6985m) の中腹、標高 4000m のライラ・キャンプと呼ばれる地点です。
In August, 1994, the very year, Dr. Frederick Pough predicted the possibility of gemmy lazulite find in Himalaya, Italian gem serach party encountered that gemmy lazulite crystal in the Laila Peak, Karakoram Range, near, Gilgit, Pakistan. The color of lazulite from Pakistan is however, not haüyn-like blue but dark green to yellowish green.
The area, surrounded entirely of metamorphic rocks was named Laila Camp at about 4000m of altitude because it was the only flat land on which it was possible for the party to camp. During one full day of exploration, they found garnet, magnesite and down-stream on the glacier, quite a few veins of white marble.
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