2. 世界のラピスラズリ産地
(World locality)
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ファベルジェ工房製のラピスラズリの置物 幅16cm |
金の鎖付き酒瓶 40.5cm |
チリ産ラピスラズリと孔雀石の装飾品 |
酒瓶はミケランジェロの優れた弟子でありヴァザーリと共にウフィツィ宮殿を完成させた建築家、彫刻家、画家の Buontalentiがフランドル出身の金工師 Bilibertiと共に1583年に製作したものです。
Lapis-lazuli is one of the first gem materials used for adornment as an ornamental stone since more than 6000 years in Middle East, Asia and Europe. Most of the material used by these ancient civilizations is believed to have originated from the Sar-e-Sang deposits in present-day Badakhshan, Afghanistan, which is yet a unique locality to supply the best quality lapis-lazuli in the world.
However, the supply is limited to low level due to the mining condition in the remote harsh mountain.
Instead, a relatively new commer, mines of Chile supply as much as 150 tons of lapis-lazuli annualy.
Lapis-lazuli is discovered in the Lake Baikal area of Siberia, Colorado and California of U.S.A., but the supply is sporadic and we rarely have an opportunity see them in the market.
Photos on top are examples of the lapis-lazuli works to represent important localities. Wine base with gold chain was haoused in Algenti Museum(Once a treasury of Medici Family in the Italian Renaissance) and is a masterpiece made by Buontalenti and Biliberti in 1583.
ラピスラズリの産状(Formation and Occurence of Lapis-lazuli)
Books and encyclopedias mention lapis-lazuli as contact metamorphosed mineral in limestone, simply.
It is true but not sufficient, at all. Because there are millions of contact metamorphic zones of limestone in the world, but the lapis-lazuli occurences are quite limited to less than 10 localities.
It is, therefoe necessary to consider some particular factor on lapis-lazuli formation.
Then, when world occurences are studied carefully, we come to the conclusion that tha all localities share the common condition ; Hindu-Kush to Pamir Mtns., Mogok, Burma, The Lake of Bikal are of Siberia, Rocky Mtn in North America and Chile of Andes Mtns., they are in the same area where the earth scale diastrophism occured about 30 to 50 million years ago. Only one exception is a lapis-lazuli formed by volcanic activity of Mt. Vesuvio Italia.
Lapis-lazuli is a rare contact metamorphic mineral rarely formed as the result of earth scale diastrophism.
アフガニスタンのラピスラズリ(Afghan Lapis-lazuli)
サーレサン鉱山の光景 写真右下はズリ
The small valley of Sar-e-Sang.
White rocks at the base of photograph
are the mine dumpサーレサン鉱山の地図
Map to Sar-e-Sangサーレサンに至るコクチャ渓谷
Route through the Kokcha valley
25 miles before Sar-e-Sang
Satellite photo of Kokcha River Valley
with lapis mines marked by red dots大理石層(青)に沿って南北
Geology and mine locations
along the Kokcha Riverサーレサンの垂直の大理石の壁に穿かれた巨大な坑道入り口
Vertical series of mine entrances in the Sar-e-Sang area
サーレサンへの道程(The sight to Sar-e-Sang)
Sar-e-Sang is located in Badkhshan, in the north-east of Afghanistan. It lies in the center of the Hindu-Kush massif, along the right bank of the Kokcha River, which cuts from north to south and anticline with summits reaching 3500m to 5500m.
This region was mentioned in Chinese writings as early as the sixth century. From the village of Jarm, situated about 150km north of the mines, a commercial route following the corridor of Wakhan leads to Tibet and China. During Soviet invasion, almost all lapis-lazuli were brough to Pakistan over Hindu-Kush Mtns on foot.
Two routes connect Kabul to Sar-e-Sang. The shortest route, from the point of view of distance, is to travel by jeep from Charikar, up the valley of the Pnajchir, to Dasht-i-Rawat(around 160km), and the to go the final 135km to the mine on foot or byn horse via Anjuman Pass. Currently, the fastest route, which still takes at least four days, begins with a magnificent drive to Qonduz through Salang Pass. From the city, the traveler must follow a difficult road through Khanabad, Taloqan, Feyzabad, and Jarm that terminates 3 or 4km beyond the village of Hazrat-Said, a distance of about 750km from Kabul. A long journey with horses or donkeys, is then required to climb the 40km of narrow and rough trail that follows the gorges of the Kokcha.
These routes are accessible only between June and November.
Geologic features of the lazurite bearing
zone with lazurite bodies in marble belt大理石中のラピスラズリ団塊
Lapis blocks in a marble数千年間に及ぶ採掘で彫られた広大なトンネルと採掘と搬出の様子
Lapis miners working undergroung in a Sar-e-Sang area
鉱床と採掘(Description of the deposits)
The camp is located on the right bank of the Kokcha River at an altitude of 2500m. The mine workings, situated between 2700m and 3400m along nearly vertical in slope, are difficult to reach. The mined blocks of lapis-lazuli are brought back to the camp on the backs of men.
The Sar-e-Sang complex consists of strongly metamorphosed rocks, with gneisses, cipolins(marble), skarns, crystalline schists, amphibolites, and dykes of pyroxenite and hornblendite. The mountain is composed of cipolines up to 400m thick overlying gneiss. Standing out from the white marbles of the cipolines is a gray band, about 40m wide, consisting of skarns in which the lapis-lazuli occurs. The skarns from beds and lenses, generally 1-to-2m - and occasionally 4m - thick, which usually extend laterally for 20 to 100m, rarely more than 400m. The exploitable zones consist of calcite and dolomite associated with forsterite, diopside, and scapolite, often accompanied by phlogopite, sometimes in well-formed crystalsup to 2cm. The blue lazurite is almost always associated with pyrite.
The zonal structure of the most important lenses recalls their sedimentary origins and the action of metamorphism, because the centers of the larger grains consist of a composite of plagioclase, diopside, calcitem and lazurite, which is surrounded by zones of fine, dark blue grains of lazurite, diopside, and scapolite, with a marginal zone of calcite, diopside, foresterite, and pyrite.
In the past, hard rock was fractured with great wood fires, which is today replaced with dynamite.
The lenses of lapis-lazuli detached from the rock are masses of many kiligrams, although they rarely exceed 100kg. Those less than 10kg are relatively homogeneous. The block of rock lacking color are thrown to the dump 300m below. It is in such pieces of cipolin that one must look for well-crystalized lazurite, which today are carefully collected, resulting abundant supply for mineral collectors.
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サーレサンの鉱山への道 |
サーレサンに近いダレーズー鉱山跡 |
ズリ山から採集されたラピスラズリ |
産出量について (Commercial exploitation )
古い資料ですが1981年の Gems & Gemology 誌はソ連軍侵略前の年の平均年間産出量は1トンとしています。
Accoiding to Gems & Gemology Winter 1981 issue, the annual production is one ton、prior to to the Russian invasion in 1979 was one ton, annualy. One ton of lapis-lazuli is about 1mx1mx0.35m in volume and is seems to be too little, even considering the mining time of only 3 to 4 four months a year. Probably, one ton represents only a larger block of the first category, which represent only 2% of total production and small block of less than 5cm of second category. Toigether with the rest of general ornamental quality lapis-lazuli reaches the annual production of 5 tons.
French Larousse's " Encyclopedia of Gemstones" mentions about the production of lapis-lazuli in early 19th centuries about 5 tons annualy, which matches with the above figures.
Anyhow, these facts tells that the best quality lapis-lazuli production from Afghanistan is quite limited to have been cover the world demands, resulting in extreme rare and expensive.
シベリアのラピスラズリ(Siberia lapis-lazuli)
しかしながら産出は一時的で、品質も方解石が多くアフガン産には及ばないものでした。 1930年鉱物学者のアレクサンドル・フェルスマンによってパミール山脈の標高5000mを越える地に鉱脈が発見されました。
In 1784, a blue stone discovered in the Baikal Lake are was brought to Sanct Peterburg, which lured Ekaterina II to send expedition to Siberia. In 1797, lapis-lazuli was discovered in Siberia, followed by deposits discovery in 1981 at the Sludianka valley, Talaya and Lazurnaia. But the production was sporadic and quality with much calcite inclusion was inferior to that of Afghan mines. In 1930, an expedition commanded by famous Russian mineralogist Alexandre Fersman discovered the lapis-lazuli deposits in an altitude higher than 5000m in the Pamir Mountains. Quality estimation varies from Afghan quality to mediocre and is not certain.
These area belongs to long falt/uplift system zone, streching from Hindu-Kush Mtns to the Sea of Okhotsk. And lapis-lazuli were formed with broad contact metamorphism by the huge fault and uplift occured about 30 millions years ago. The Baikal lake was former a part of the Arctic Ocean, lying in between the border of south-east of Siberian Craton and Trans-Bikal folding zone. About 30 million years ago, by the huge fault movement, a lake, which depth reaches to 1700m deep was formed.
北米のラピスラズリ (North American Lapis-lazuli)
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間歇的に採掘が行われるラピスラズリ鉱山 Italian Mountain, Colorado、U.S.A. |
コロラド産のラピスラズリ 左 4.6cm Lapis-lazuli from Colorado Blue Wrinkle mine, Colorado, U.S.A. |
カリフォルニアのラピスラズリ 94x40x6mm Big Horn Mine, Cascade Canyon San Gabriel Mts., California, U.S.A. |
Big Horn Mine と名づけられた鉱床はアフガニスタン産の最上級品に匹敵する高品質とされていますが、この一帯は市の水源地で一般の立ち入り禁止地域のため商業的な採掘が行われることはないようです。
In 1939, a small lapis-lazuli deposit was discovered in Italian Mtn., 170km south-west of Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
The production during 1959-1998 by sporadicv mining is estimated 2 to 3 tonnes, of which lapidary quality is only 5%
In 1979, at an altitude of 3000m of San Gabriel Mtns., north of Los Angeles, lapis-lazuli deposits was discovered in pyrite rich marble vein and was named "Big Horn Mine". The quality is said to be equivalent to best Afghan one. However, commercial mining is not possible because of strict environmental control. In neiboughring San Bernadino County, lapis-lazuli deposits was discovered in 1938, too. But the original ore beds are only a few millimeters wide and is of mineralogical interest.
カナダのラピスラズリ(Canadian lapis-lazuli)
lapis-lazuli from Baffin Islands, Canada
left : collected in 1972 right : collected in 1975
at Co-Op claim, 19km north of Lake Harbour Village
photo courtsey of Mr.SPS
In Canada, near Harbour Lake of Baffin Island、lapis-lazuli veins has been discovered since long time by local Eskimot people and since 1971, they have been recovering lapis-lazuli disscretly for carving purpose.
チリのラピスラズリ (Chilean lapis-lazuli)
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チリのアンデス山中のラピスラズリ鉱山の地図 Lapis-lazuli mine of Chile in Andes Mountains |
露天掘りによる採掘光景 Open-cut mining of lapis-lazuli |
ラピスラズリ鉱脈(Vein) Photo Courtesy : Natsuyo Ishinoda |
この鉱山の近代的な採掘が開始されたのは1905年からです。1905年から1910年の間に10トンほどのラピスラズリがドイツに送られました。 当時の輸送手段はロバしかなく、それぞれ100kgの荷を積んだロバが鉱山からセレナの港までの200km余りの道程を2日間で運んだとのことです。かなりの強行軍でした。その後は少量の高品質のラピスラズリがもっぱら国内用に採掘されていました。
The first reference of Chilean lapis-lazuli dates back to 1850 . The deposits is located in the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 3500m. In South America, there have been several recent references to the use of chilean lapis-lazuli by the Moche(800-100BC) and Inca (1100 -1537AD) cultures in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. However, pre-Columbian artifacts of blue stones from world museums have been studied to reveal that they are sodalite and other blue minerals and not lapis-lazuli. Most of sodalites are believed to have come from Peru or Bolivia.
It is possible, some archeological articles discovered very close to Chilean lapis-lazuli mine might have been mined by early inhabitants in the region.
Modern mining of Chilean lapis-lazuli started since 1905. Between 1905 and 1910, about 10 tonnes of lapis-lazuli from the Coquimbo region were sent to Germany. Later, small, hand-selected pieces of high quality lapis-lazuli were mined and used to supply the local market. Transport at that time was only possible by mule, the journey about 200km from mine to La Serena took two days, and each mule carried 100kg. Until 1989, when the company constructed and access road navigable by truck, only about 20-30 tonnes of lapis-lazuli were being removed annually.
Current production is about 150 tonnes a year of mixed grade material.
Regarding mine reserves, more tha 10,000 tonnes of reserves is proved. In addition, traces of lapis-lazuli 5.5km north and 2km south to the present workings in the same geologic formation were discovered. Hence more than 60,000 tonnes of probable reserved is estimated.
鉱山の現況 (Location and Access to the mine )
The deposit is situated on the steep slopes of glacial cirque, approximately 500m from the Andean watershed that defines the international border between Chile and Argentina. Access to the mining area from the regional center of La Serena is via paved road to Ovalle. and then by dirt road with four-wheel-drive dirt track, which enables the recovery of lapis-lazuli using heavy machine and transportation of annual production of 150 tonnes of ores. The deposit is accesible only during summer time, from January to April. From May to September, the roads and workings are covered with up to 4m of snow; and from October to December, the road is flooded by melt water. Typically much of January is spent repairing road and removing ice from the mining pits. The deposit is mined in a linear array of small pits over a distance of about 600m, covered by three mining concessions.
鉱床の成因(Geology and Occurence)
Chilean lapis-lazuli formed through the metasomatic introduction of sulfer into impure limestone that was previously metamorphosed by granitic intrusives. Its origin is probably similar to that of Italian Mountain, Colorado. In contrast, the lapis-lazuli deposits at Sar-e-Sang, Baffin Island, and Lake Baikal probably formed during regional metamorphism of shale and dolomitic evaporite deposigts.
写真中央上部の暗く見える部分が花崗岩層に最も近い内側に出来た幅40〜50mの輝石、斜長石、石英と磁鉄鉱を含むホルンフェルスと,灰鉄−灰礬柘榴石を含む幅80〜100mの2番目のスカルン層です。 その下部、2段目の点線が最外周層の幅300mに及ぶ珪灰石ー大理石に変質した石灰岩層です。
The geology is well exposed in the steep of the glacial cirque that hosts the lapis-lazuli deposits. Two of the three contact-metamorphic zones adjacent to the granite are distinguishable. The innermost horfels zone and the second skarn zone form a dark band, with an irregular contact against the gray -colored granite. The outer zone is a "cream"-colored wollastnite marble displaying a sharp, straight contact with the second zone. The marble hosts local lenses of lapis-lazuli exposed by a linear array of mining cuts with blue tinged dumps(arrows), barely visible near the top of the scree slopes. The contact between the outermost marble zone and the limestone is obscured by scree.
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1級品 first grade sample |
2級品 19x11cm second grade sample |
3級品 18x9cm third grade sample |
4級品 21x13cm fourth grade sample |
Chilean lapis-lazuli is considered in general inferior to Afghan one, from point of lack of brilliant ultramarine color and excess of white patches of wollastonite-marble. However, as shown on top photo, the best chilean lapis-lazuli is attactive enough when properly designed and finished. In the mine, ores are graded upon percentage of blue lazurite parts with combination of white patches. Stone with more than 70% of lazurite is used for jewelry and carving and 70-50% stone is acceptable for carving in some markets. Material with less than 50% lazurite is used only for construction materials, such as slabs, countertops or tiles.