1 名前と歴史について (about name and history)
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青金石結晶(lazurite crystal) |
黄鉄鉱を伴う青金石 |
研磨された青金石 |
ラピスラズリ工芸品 |
Lapis-lazuli |
結晶系 |
化学組成 |
モース硬度 |
比重 |
屈折率 | |
青金石 |
Lazurite |
等軸晶系 |
(Na,Ca)8(S,SO4,Cl)2(AlSiO4)6 |
5〜5½ |
2.38-95 |
1.50 |
方ソーダ石 |
Sodalite |
等軸晶系 |
Na8Cl2(AlSiO4)6 |
5½〜6 |
2.14-40 |
1.483-487 |
ノゼアン |
Nosean |
等軸晶系 |
Na8SO4(AlSiO4)6 |
5〜6 |
2.3-4 |
1.48-495 |
藍方石 |
Haüyne |
等軸晶系 |
(Na,Ca)4-8(SO4)1-2(AlSiO4)6 |
5〜6 |
2.4-5 |
1.496 |
天藍石 | Lazulite | 単斜晶系 (Monoclinic) |
(Mg,Fe2+)[Al2(PO4)2](OH)2 | 5〜6 | 3.09 | 1.612-643 |
名前について(about Name)日本語では古くから瑠璃と呼ばれていましたが、ラピスラズリとは宝石名です。
ラピスとはラテン語で石のことです。そして古いペルシア語で青を意味する "ladjevard" からアラビア語の "lazul" を経て6世紀頃のラテン語に "lazurium" となって入った形容詞が付いて青い石を意味する "lapis-lazuli" が使われるようになりました。
ギリシアのテオフラステス (BC.372-287) やローマ時代に大プリニー (23-79), さらにドイツのアグリコーラ (1494-1555) がサファイアと呼び、”金色の星々が煌めく蒼穹” と形容していた宝石が実は金色の黄鉄鉱を含むラピスラズリであったことは間違いありません。
5世紀以降、ラピスラズリはヨーロッパでウルトラマリン (ultramarinum : 海の彼方) とも呼ばれていました。海の彼方、即ち遠い異国からもたらされる貴重な宝石であり、これを手にすることが出来たのは強大な権力と財力を持つ王族や教会のみでした。
Lapis-lazuli is not a mineral name, but a gemstone name, meaning blue stone. "Lapis" means stone and "lazuli" means blue in Latin. Then around 6th centuries in Europe, ancient Persian origin word "ladjevard" meaning blue came into Latin via Arabic word "lazul" as "lazurium" Before lapis-lazuli name came into Europe, in Greek and in Rome, this gemstone has been called in various names ; A gemstone called "Sapphirus" by Theophrastus(B.C. 372-287), Pliny the Elder(23-79) and German mineralogist Agricola(1494-1555) and being described as "sky constelled with satrs, or like blue thing pointed with gold" is surely lapis-lazuli. After 5th century, this stone has been called in the name of "ultramarinum : beyond the sea", too, suggesting that, it came from far country beyond the sea. Therefore it was extremely precious stone and only kings and princes, and churche could afford to get it.
宝石としてラピスラズリと呼ばれますが、鉱物としてはラズライト (Lazurite) が正式な名前です。
その名のとおり、ラテン語の青 : lazurium に因む名前ですが、日本語では金色の黄鉄鉱を含む青い石、青金石 (せいきんせき) と名づけられています。
例えば鋼玉 (コランダム) の赤は紅玉 (ルビー)、それ以外の色は全てサファイア、また緑柱石 (ベリル) の青い色はアクアマリン、緑〜金色はヘリオドール、ピンクがモルガナイト、エメラルド・グリーンがエメラルドと、不純物による色変わりで多くの宝石名が生まれます。
Lazurite, derives from Latin "lazurium" is the mineral name. As in case of ruby ans sapphires, which mineral name is corundum, or beryls in various colors, minerals are often called in different names, mainly depending on color variations.
But azurite, which gemstone name lapis-lazuli has a little complicated story ;
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上(top):ソーダライト(Sodalite) Bancroft, Canada |
石英中の天藍石(lazulite in quartz) |
稀に見る大きな天藍石 5.85ct 10.6x10.1x6.12mm Extremely rare facetted lazulite |
右(right): ノゼアン(Nosean) Laacher See, Germany | ||
左(left):アウイン(Haüyne) Niedermendig, Germany |
Lapis-lazuli is recovered always as solid solution of lazurite with similar chemical composition minerals of sodalite group, sodalite, noseane and haüyn. These minerals have same structure formed with alminium or silicone are surrounded with series of tetrahedra formed by four oxigen atoms. This structure has vacant space big enough where different ions occupies to form a group of minerals with slightly different components ; sodalite(Na and Cl ions), noseane(Na and SO4), lazurite(Na,Ca, S and SO4, Cl). The heavenly blue color of lazurite derives from sulfer ion trapped in the tetrahedra structure.
In these minerals of same group, a part of ions with similar dimentions and natures are often replaced each other to form crystal of mixed components called, solid solution, as often shown in garnet, feldspar group and other minerals groups in the nature. Solid solution is not a mixture of different minerals but a fusion of minerals in the same group, therefore is found as crystal in the nature. Lazurite crystal was rare and expensive in the past, but today is recovered abundant.
注意しなければならないことは、宝石の本にしばしば青金石 (lazurite) と天藍石 (lazulite) とが混同されて記載されていることです。
”新宝石辞典” の久米武夫、"宝石” の近山晶、"宝石の写真図鑑” の監修者の砂川一郎といった、代表的な宝石学者や専門家がいずれも単純な勘違いからでしょう、青金石と天藍石とを混同している程です。
斯く言う私自身、ラズライト( Lazulite : 天藍石 )の透明なファセット石を見た時に、てっきりラズライト( Lazuite : 青金石 )の透明な結晶が出現したのかと思わず興奮してしまいました。
天藍石は通常は1カラット以下の小さなファセット級のものがブラジルと、最近ではナミビアから稀に採れます。 写真の石は産地不明ですが、5カラットを超える記録的な大きさです。
A lazurite recovered mixed with impure inclusions such as calcite and pyrite is called lapis-lazuli, as gemstone. White calcite is nothing but an unfavarable impurity, while occasional golden flecks of pyrite inclusion is highly appreciated that distinguish the most desirable lapis-lazuli.
One thing to note is lazurite and lazulite are often confused, in genral. Although their occurence, composition and properties are different, confusiong name and spelling, similar blue color and use as ornamental stone are the cause of confusions.
I myself also mistook lazulite facetted stone as transparent lapis-lazuli and did not realize the misapprehension
for long time.
雄山羊像 42.6cm
The statue of a goat
B.C.2500 Ur, Sumerラピスラズリ、トルコ石、瑪瑙等の首飾り B.C.16century
Neck adornment of lapis-lazuli, turquoise, agate, etc.
Tutankhamen Museum, Cairo円筒印 B.C. 1800
Cylinder Seal
エトルリア B.C.500
Scarabe Bracelet
リュトン(角状盃) 48cm
ペルシア アケメネス朝
Rython, Achaemenid黄金の文字刻印が施されたラピスラズリの護符
Lapis-lazuli talisman engraved with gold letter
19th century, Afghanistan
School of Mines, Paris, France鳩の置物 16cm
スーサ出土 イラン
Lapis-lazuli pigeon
Susa, Iran
Brooch in the figure of an eagle
with a lion's head
26 century B.C.
early Sumer Kingdom
Lapis-lazuli is said to be one of the oldest gemstones, as shown by photos of jewelries and various utilities discovered from ancient oriental ruins. All of them were recovered from mines of Afghanistan located at altitude of 2700 to 3400m. Since
5000 years, Afghan mines have been active and most important producer of lapis-lazuli in the world. And during 5000 years, there have been no significant change nor improvement of traffic and mining conditions. Just for your information, the distance from mine to ruins ; 4000km to the nearist Mesopotamian city, 6000km to Egypt and 9000km to Rome, all distance as the crow flies !!!
福音伝道者像 等身大
Evangelist - life size - , Pitti Palace, Firenze, Italia
何処にでもあるジャスパーはともかく、等身大の像の制作に必要なラピスラズリの大きな原石をルネサンス時代に遠路アフガニスタンの山中から取り寄せることの出来たフィレンツェの財力にはただ唖然とさせられるのみです。 しかもルネサンスを代表する傑作がひしめくピッティ宮殿にあっては、ほんの片隅に置かれている目立たない作品の一つに過ぎません。
The evangelist wears jasper and lapis-lazuli. It is far beyond our immagination that financial power of Firenze, who could afford to order a huge block of raw lapis-lazuli from far, far away Afghanistan, in the Renaissance era.
18世紀南インドのフレスコ画, Tanjor library
18th century fresco painting of southern India
India is a neighboring country to Afghanistan, hence much nearer, compared with 10000km of distance to Firenze. Yet there are 3000km to southern India, as the crow flies. Behind a fresh color of lapis-lazuli of fresco wall painting are long and tough journey in a scorching land.
顔料としてのラピスラズリ(Lapis-lazuri as pigment)
もう一つ忘れてはならない傑作がパリの北郊にあるシャンティー城内のコンデ美術館所蔵の ”ベリー公のいとも豪華なる時祷書” です。
宝飾品としてよりも、画材としてのラピスラズリの方が本来の魅力を100%発揮していると言っても過言ではないでしょう。フラ・アンジェリコ 聖母戴冠 Fra Angelico : Coronation of Virgin Louvre Museum, Paris ベリー公のいとも豪華なる時祷書
10月のページVery rich times of Count Berry Conde Museum, Chantilly, Paris Lapis-lazuli has been employed not only as ornamental material, but also as pigment in Europe, Orient and in Asia. Because of it's rarity, usages were quite limited mainly for religious monuments by expert of the epoch, which resulted in excellent preservation for historical time. Among numerous masterpieces, there are two unforgettable masterpieces ; First is "Coronation of Virgin" by Fra Angelico, and 2nd is a small, 29x21cm 12 illustrations for manuscript, drwan in early 15 century. Through these paintings, everybody will be convinced that it is as pigment usage, that lapis-lazuli reveales its essential beauties.
近代のラピスラズリ作品(Modern day lapis-lazuli artworks)
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アフガニスタン産ラピスラズリの壺 |
ファベルジェ作 インペリアル・エッグ |
アールデコ・スタイルの花飾り 1931年頃 幅 10.7cm |
Since synthetic ultramarine was developped in early 19th century, lapis-lazuli is no more employed as pigment except for Japanese paintings. And abundant supply by discovery of mines outside Afghanistan resulted in the dramatic change of status - Lapis-lazuli is no more a luxurious gemstone for limited rich class but became a gemstone affordable to everyboday.
The value of lapis-lazuli jewelry is determined not by stone quality only, but with design and skills of artisans.
Photo shows the most representing masterpieces of Chinese, Russian and French masterworks.