(New Gemstone
January 11
2008 :サファイア(Sapphires)
中国・山東省(2.2ct),カンボジア・パイリン(1.65ct)とマダガスカルのサファイア(2.99ct) Sapphires from Shandong, China(2.2ct), Pailin, Cambodia(1.65ct) and Madagascar(2.99ct)
New sapphire specimens have arrive, representing alcali basalt origine sapphires from China and Cambodia, and metamorphic skarn origine sapphire from Madagascar.
中国・山東省・房山のサファイア(Sapphire from Fangshan, Shandong, China)
Sapphire locality in
Shandong, China房山丘の玄武岩の鉱山(矢印)と周辺の崩積・漂砂鉱床とから発見されるサファイアの産状
Sapphires are mined both from insitu in basalt(allow points : Fangshan Hill)
and from surrounding eluvial・alluvial deposits
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9.4x7.2mm 中国山東省産サファイア Sapphire from Shandong, China |
玄武岩起源のサファイア結晶 12x10mm, 19x18mm Basalt origine sapphire crystals 中国・山東省 (Shandong, China) |
寸法、品質別に仕分けされたサファイア・ルース Calibrated faceted sapphires from Shandong, China |
最大では長さ10cm、重さが 2500g に達する結晶が発見されました。
1989年から1991年までに 5万カラットが主に香港、タイ、アメリカに輸出されたとあります。
Four sapphire localities are reported from China ;
1 Alluvial deposits near towns of Penlai-Wenchang, north east of Hainan Island in ealy 1960s. 2 Alluvial deposits over a distance of 50km along Ginxi stream near the town of Mingxi, Fujian Province, discovered in 1980 during the cource of diamond exploration in the area. 3 In the late 1980s, local farmers discovered alluvial sapphires near the township of Wutu, about 150km east of Jian, capital city of Shandong Province. In-situ deposit in alcaline-basalt was discovered in the nearby Fangshang Hill. 4 South east of Jiangsu Province, about 50km west from Shanghai, but little information is available on this deposit.
All Chinese sapphires are though to be the alluvial residue of alkali basalt deposits not unlike those found in Thailand and Cambodia and in Australia. Sapphire deposit of Shandong is estimated to have total reserves of 100 million carats. The fact that significant amounts of sapphires have been found in situ in addition to eluvial and alluvial deposits at Shandong Province makes it unique among sapphire deposits in basaltic terrains around the world. Sapphires from Shandong is characterized by their large size, dark color, and absence of factures. The largest crystal discovered so far was 10cm long and weighed 2,500 grams. Relatively large crystals yields average 2 to 3 carat of calibrated faceted stones. Because of the color of most Shandong sapphires is dark blue, heat treatment is commonly perfromed to improve the color. When heated to about 1900℃ in an oxidizing atmosphere, a more desirable blue color is obtained.
About 50,000 carats of faceted stones were expoted to Hong Kong, Thailand and to U.S.A. during 1989 to 1991.
(Sapphire from Pailin, Cambodia)1.65ct 7.4x6.8mm パイリン産サファイア
Heat treated sapphire from Pailin, Cambodiaパイリンの採掘光景
Sapphire mining at Pailin
Photo courtesy : Raymond Cauchtier, Paris
Geology of Pailin area in Cambodia belongs to Chantaburi alcali basaltic sapphire deposit. Politicaly, Pailin Province has been a part of Thailand, until the area was divested to French Indochina in 1907. Therefore, almost all Pailin sapphires has been handled together with Thai sapphires. Because of long lasting war in Cambodia, there are few informations on Pailin sapphire mining nor stones, clearly identifiable for the origine. The 1.65 carat stone of the photo is a rare Pailin sapphire, obtained from a dealer, who purchases stones directly in Thailand. Strictly speaking, it is impossible to identify Pailin sapphire from that of Thailand, practically. As far as this stone is concerned, clear blue color is reminescent of metamorphic skarn type sapphires from Burma and Srilanka.
マダガスカルのサファイア(Sapphire from Madagascar)
2.99ct 8.1x7mm マダガスカル産加熱処理のサファイア
Heat treated sapphire from Madagascarアンドラナンダンボのサファイア鉱山
Sapphire mine of Andranandambo, Madagascar世界有数の宝石産出国であるマダガスカルでは1990年代以降各地に高品質のサファイアとルビー鉱床が発見されました。
現在では生産の大半をタイの宝石商が支配し、1994年以降は毎月 100kg の結晶がタイで研磨加工されています。
Since 1990s, high-quality ruby and sapphire deposits have been reported in various areas in Madagascar. Sapphire deposit of Andranandambo, southern area of Madagascar, re-discovered in 1992, once discovered by French mineralogist in 1952 but forgotten thereafter, is the most promising for metamorphic skarn type origine. The best quality Andranandambo sapphire has legendary Kashmir color. Because the production of high quality sapphires in Burma and Srilanka has significantly decreased recently, gem dealers in the world rushed to Andranandambo and now major production is dominated by Thai merchants. Since 1994, about 100kg of sapphires are cut monthly in Thailand. 80% of sapphire crystals of Andranandambo are gem quality but so far 90% of faceted stones are small ; less than one carat. There are large stones over several tens of carats with Kashmir color and transparency.
The heated 2.99 carat stone of the photo is described simply as Madagascar origine. But great probably. it is from Andranandambo, considering the clear transparent color, typical characteristic sapphire, although not the best Kashmir, but the best Burma and Srilankan origine.
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