新着宝石展示室(New Gemstone Gallery)

July 2009 : オパール(Opals)

世界各地のオパール(Opals from world's locality) 1.78 - 13.88ct

タンザニアの蛋白石 (Tanzanian common opal)
 写真の石は屈折率が 1.520 とオパールとしては上限の値を示し、玉髄や瑪瑙に近いのですが、比重が 2.069 とやはり蛋白石の範疇に入ります。
 これらの値はキャッツ・アイ・オパールに近く、恐らく猫目石効果を示さないので放棄された 99%の原石から透明度の高い部分をファセット・カットしたのではないかと思われます。

 Tanzania is known to produce rare cat's-eye opal since early 1990's.
This translucent stone is probably from the same locality of cat's-eye opal for similar R.I. of 1.520 and S.G. 2.069. This stone was faceted, probably from abondoned cat's-eye rough for it's translucency.
13.88ct 20.7x15.2x8.1mm Tanzania

エチオピアのオパール(Ethiopian opal)
 1990年代初めにエチオピアの首都アディス・アベバの北東 160km程のシェヴァ地方の流紋岩団塊中から宝石質のオパールが発見されました。
4.77ct 13.2x13.0x5.0mm Shewa Province, Ethiopia

  In early 1990', gem quality opal was discovered in Shewa Province, about 160km north-east from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Among varieties of opals recovered from ryolite nodule ; transparent common opal like mexican fire opal, contra-luz type with play of color etc., dark chocolate color with play of color became the most popular one. This dark brown color is attributed to micro crystal inclusions of pyrite and hematite, altered from pyrite.

オーストラリアのオパール (Australian opal)
1.91ct 12.2x10.1x2.8mm Coober Pedy, South Australia

 Although looks different stones, this is one stone photographed under different angles and illuminations. With naked eye in daylight, the stone looks pinkish as the left photo.
メキシコのオパール (Mexican opals)

4.60ct 12.2x11.0x7.0mm

 Mexicn crystal opal is certainly one of the most attractive opal, together with hydrophane from Opal Butte, Oregon, U.S.A.
The 4.6 carat stone is an exceptional crystal opal for it's large size, transparency and superb play-of-color.
1.78ct 8.1x7.6x5.2mm 7.12ct 15.8x10.2x8.0mm
 稀に写真のように見事な遊色を示すものがあります。 右の濃いオレンジの石はファイアー・オパールとしては異例の大きなボディーにオーロラのような緑の遊色が現れます。

 Mexican fire opls are highly appreciated for their attractive orange and red body color and are often faceted thanks to it's transprecy. Rarely, transparent fire opal shows spectacular play-of-color in the transprent body. Deep orange color stone is an example to show aurora-like green play-of-color in extremely large body of 7.12 cart.
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