(New Gemstone Gallery)

June 2008 : カリフォルニア・ヒマラヤ鉱山のトルマリン
      (Tourmaline from Himalaya Mine, CA)

トルマリン(Tourmaline) 0.35 - 0.65ct(Ø5.0 - 5.75mm)
Himalaya Mine, California, U.S.A.
Rubellite on Quartz 14cm
Faceted stone 115ct

Tourmaline Queen Mine, San Diego
Fallbrook Gem & Mineral Museum Collection

結晶とルース(Crystal and faceted stones) 0.59 - 0.65ct(Ø5.65 - 5.75mm) 0.35 - 0.39ct(Ø5mm) 結晶(Crystal) 60x17mm
Himalaya Mine, Pala, San Diego, California

 The Peninsular Range of Southern California is host to one of the world's most famous and productive gem pegmatite provinces.
Chinese Dowager Empress Tz'u-shi of Qing dynasty was know to love colored gemstones, particularly pink tourmaline, which Californian pegmatite mines were the major supplier to China. The Chines contribution was so great that collasp of Qing turned out as the fatal damage for all mines to cease operations til active operation was resumed in the late 1950s. During spontaneous operations since middle of 20th century, there were several finds of spectacular pockets.
 A pink crystal of the photo is from the May 1989 pocket find, which produced hundreds of pink with green cap bi-color tourmaline crystals. But facetable grade was only 1% and 90% are suitable for beads, carving or crystal specimen,19% for cabochons.
Despite low yield, it was estimated at least 5000 to 10,000 carat of faceted stones must have yielded out of 500kg of crystals. However, faceted tourmalines were hardly seen in the market.
 Although small, faceted tourmalines of total 3 carats on the top photo were the first I aquired recently, as Himalaya Mine origine.
It is not certain if they are from 1989 find pocket or not. These faceted Himalaya Mine stones are considered quite common in Brazil. Nonethless, extremely valuable as rare Californian gem tourmaline.


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