(New Gemstone Gallery)
October 2008 : 合成宝石(Synthetic
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1.88 - 15.18ct (Various types of synthetic gemstones) |
火炎溶融法合成サファイア(Flame fusion synthetic sapphires)
11.85ct 15.0x12.1x8.0mm
(Alexandlite-like color change sapphire)
6.90ct 11.9x9.8x6.9mmタンザナイト色のサファイア
(Tanzanite color sapphire)
9.35ct 16.5x12.5mm自然光(Daylight) 白熱光(Incandesdent light)
火炎溶融法による合成ルビーの量産技術は 1902 年にフランスの化学者ヴェルヌイユよって完成されました。
発色の仕組みが解明されてなかったためにサファイアの合成は少し遅れて 1910 年でした。
火炎溶融法では天然では有得ないほどに美しい直径 20mm、長さ 60mm、重量 200 カラット程の大型結晶を3時間程度で造ることが出来ます。
したがって20世紀初頭に宝飾用としてたちまち 100 万カラットものルビーやサファイアが生産され、一時天然のルビーやサファイアが暴落した程でしたが、やがてこの方法による合成宝石が余りにも美しすぎて"本物”らしく見えないことから人気が凋落しました。
The ruby synthesis technology by flame fusion process was accomplished by French chemist August Verneuil in 1902, followed by sapphire in 1910. Flame fusion method enabled mass-production of large, perfect corundum crystal (20mm dia. 60mm long, 200ct) in only 3 hours. Any colors are possible, by simply adding metal elements. And one million carats of ruby and sapphire were manufactured in early 20th century, resulting dramatic price drop of natural ruby and sapphire.
However, synthetic gemstones soon lost popularity due to too unrealistic beauty, but survived in the indsutrial field thanks to it's superb physical and chemical advantages.
All saphires in this article are manufactured and faceted in China, where flame fusion synthetic ruby and sapphire are popular as gemstones, today.
(Flame fusion synthetic sapphire with Quench Crackle treatment)
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15.18ct 17.0x13.2mm | クラウンとパヴィリオン側とから見た内部の亀裂の様子 (Quench crackled sapphire seen from crown and pavillion) |
火炎溶融法による合成サファイアは余りにも完璧で美しすぎるために ”本物” らしく見えないのが珠に瑕です。
Because flame fusion sapphires are so perfect and beautiful, they do not look real gemstones. And a lot of artificial technics have been developed to pretend as natural gemstone. The photos show an example of artificial treatment called "Quench crackled sapphire". This is a technic to artificialy induce numerous crackles by quenching heated crystal. This technic has been widely employed in order to produce natural-like fractures in synthetic ruby.
(Flame fusion synthetic sapphire Doublet - Alexandrite type)
自然光(Daylight) 白熱光(Incandescent light) クラウン部分から包有物が見える
(Top with visible inclusions)横からは貼り付けた部分が分かる
(Glued patch is visible from side)2.31ct 11.6x6.3x4.0mm
手間をかけているためにこの紛い物はカラット当たり 900 円と何もしない合成サファイアと比べると ”10倍も 高価”です。
This is a doublet type immitaion, made with vanadium doped flame fusion syntehtic alexandrite-like sapphire, assembled with a thin patch of natural green sapphire with fractures and inclusions glued on crown of synthetic sapphire.
As shown in top right photos, glued patch is clearly vusible in loose stone but is difficult to identify the tricky stone when set in jewelry. Because of the complicated work, doublet stone is almost 10 times "expensive" than non treated one.
火炎溶融法合成スピネル(Flame fusion synthetic spinel)
この美しい色のスピネルはサファイアの2倍もの値段ですが、それでもカラット当たり200円と破格の値段です。 その理由は下記に。
French chemist Verneuil succeeded to synthesize spinel first, while trying to make sapphire by falme fusion process for five years, in early 20th centuries. Spinel synthesizing cost is more expensive than sapphire, due to critical synthesizing conditions and relatively low productivity.5.37ct 12.9x9.9x5.3mm
初期のロシア製熱水合成法エメラルド(Early Russian hydrothermal synthetic emerald)
ロシア産の古い結晶の、普通ならカットしない亀裂や包有物のある規格外の部分までカットされていますから価格相応です。 それでも天然と比べれば素晴らしく美しいエメラルドではあります。
This emerald is certainly cut from old Russian hydrothermal emerald crystal with fractures and inclusions, which are usually removed in synthetic gem cutting. Therefore extremely low price of US$10.00 per carata is not extraordinary. Yet it is a beautiful emerald, compared with natural one.初期のロシア製熱水法合成エメラルド 1.88ct 8.8x6.5x4.5mm
(Early Russian Hydrothermal Synthetic Emerald)
(Gem cutting center at Wuzhou City in Guanxi Province, China)
これらは原石の製造コストではなく、カットされたルースの日本での市販価格ですが、何故そんな値段で売れるのか ? その背景を下記に紹介します ;
All synthetic gemstones explained here are certainly polished in Wuzhou City, China, that has now become the world's largest synthetic gemstone production and cutting center. Price of stones (not rough but retail price of faceted stones in Japanese market) are ; sapphire/US$1.00, spinel/US$2.00, emerald/US$10.00, ruby/US$0.30, cubic zirconia/US$0.25
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梧州市珠河沿いの梧州市 Wuzhou City along Pearl River |
宝石研磨工場 (Gem cutting factory) | 様々な合成宝石の展示 (Display of synthetic gemstones) |
現在では年間 8000トン (400億カラット!!!) もの合成宝石が生産、研磨されています。 この量は中国の 80%、世界の 40% に相当します。
市内には宝石業に関連する 600 の工場及び販売企業があり、凡そ10万人が働いています。
研磨される宝石の 90% は独立した研磨工の家内作業で賄われています。
中国人の工場労働者は仕事を覚えると自営業者として独立するのが普通です。 独立後は少しでも多く稼ごうと、長時間労働と加工賃のダンピングが日常的になります。
公式の宝石生産額は 2億 5千万ドルですが、同等或いはそれ以上が脱税目的のために闇市場に流れていると推定されています。
In March 1988, Wuzhou City was authorized as a coastal economic opening zone. As one of China's 10 largest inland river ports, Wuzhou is fully equipped with all necessary foreign trade departments, passenger and cargo ships, docks, and storehouses. Today Wuzhou processes more synthetic gemstones than any other city in the world. Wuzhou produces more than 8000 tons of synthetic gemstones every year. This production accounts for 80% of China's synthetic gemstones and 40% of the world's. It involves almost 600 factories or trading companies. More than 100,000 people in Wuzhou are employed in the gemstone industry, with over 90% of the stones being cut by independent cutters. Official production amount is announced as US$250 Million, but it is estimated at least same amount is covered with underground trade. And world's gem traders have serious troubles to encounter synthetic gemstones mixed in parcels of natural stones from world gemstone localities.
Although Wuzhou is famous for cutting and polishing, they are just beginning to explore the possibilities to step into manufacturing jewelry with synthetic stones.
China's weakness is in design, so a number of top companies have hired Korean and Italian jewelry designers and started their own lines. Wuzhou faces enormous challenges as it struggles to define itself as a major player in the world's gemstone and jewelry industry. Realizing that they are not yet ready to compete in the high-end luxury market, they are instead emphasizing quality copies of international designs. Jewelry at affordable prices, such as synthetic sapphires and rubies in gold settings, is being expertly copied from Italian designers to growing middle classes in China.
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