レッド・ベリル ( Red Beryl ) 

天然レッド・ベリル  0.26 - 0.51ct
(Natural Red Beryls)
恐らく最大のレッド・ベリル結晶 5.5cm
Probably the largest red beryl crystal
main crystal 5.5cm high

Collector's Edge specimen
熱水合成レッドベリルカットストーン 0.76 - 1.95ct
(Hydrothermal Red Beryls) 
(Hydrothermal Synthetic Beryl Crystal) 
53ct 38x13x8mm
Violet Claim, Wah Wah Mountains, Utha, U.S.A. Russia 


結晶(Crystal) 8x7mm
ルース(Faceted stone) 0.31ct
 0.51ct 6x4.5mm  0.26ct 5.3x3.5mm
0.31ct 5x4mm 0.35ct 6.5x2.8mm
The Violet Claims, Wah Wah Mtns. Utah, U.S.A.


レッド・ベリルの結晶(Red Beryl crystals
20x9mm 17x12mm 22x12mm 19x8mm 流紋岩中の結晶群
Red Beryls in ryolite
15x13mm 9x8mm 10x5mm 8x7mm 最大の結晶 幅 1cm
The large crystal is 1cm wide
The Violet Claims, Wah Wah Mountain, Utah, U.S.A. Searle Canyon, Thomas Range, Utha

( Formula )
(Crystal System)
(Refractive Index)
Be3Al2Si6O18 六方晶系(Hexagonal) ½−8 2.66−70 1.564−574

赤いベリルの発見 (Discovery of Red Beryl)
最初に赤いベリルが発見されたのは,1905年、美しいトパーズの結晶で有名なアメリカ,ユタ州のトーマス山脈の流紋岩中の半透明の小さな結晶でした。 その後ユタ州の各地,ニューメキシコの Black 山脈、メキシコの San Luis Potosi 等から報告されていますが、いずれも質,量ともに標本程度の産出で,重要な産地とは言えませんでした。
 半世紀後の1958年、ユタ州のトーマス山脈から南におよそ200km、ワーワー山地 (Wah Wah Mtns) の標高2100m地点にある The Violet Claims (すみれヶ丘鉱区とでも言うのでしょう)にてウラン探鉱をしていたホッジス一家により宝石級の結晶が発見されました。

 It was in 1905 at Thomas Range, Utha, renowned topaz crystal locality, that small semi-transparent red color beryl was first discovered in rhyolites.
In 1958, half century lator from the first discovery, gemmy red beryl deposit was discovered and staked by Lamar Hodges, while prospecting for uranium, at The Violet Claims in Wah Wah Mountains, about 200km south from Thomas Range. Besides the Violet Claims, several other occurrendes of red beryl(all in rhyolites) are known, but none has produced significant quantities of facet-grade material. These includes: Utah - wildhorse Spring, Topaz Valley, and Starvation Canyon, all in the Thomas Range, Juab County, New Mexico - Beryllium Virgin prospects in Paramaount Canyon, Black Range, sierra County, and East Grants Ridge, Cibolas County; and Mexico - San Luis Potosí.
 Red beryl crystal is, in general small, the largest one 5.5cm, average 1cm long and 0.5cm in diameter, and hexagonal prysmatic crystals are heavily included and opaque to semi-transparent. A small transparent portion is cuttable to yield small faceted stones ; mostly less than 0.5 carat and about 100 pieces of average 0.15 carat stones are obtained with a few over one carat size stone are obtained annualy. So far, red beryl is certainly one of the rarest gemstone.

ユタ州南部の地質 (Geology of Southern Utah, U.S.A.)
 白亜紀 (1.35億年〜6500万年前) 後期から第三紀 (6500万年〜200万年前) の半ば頃までに起った造山運動で激しい断層や褶曲のある地層となっていました。 

In the area of southwestern Utah, shallow marine carbonate and continental sediments were deposited on cystalline basement rocks during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. Subsequent mountain-building events during the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary periods produced large, low-angle thrust faults that placed carbonate-dominated sediments over Mesozoic continental rocks.
 Approximately 30 millions years ago, in the middle Tertiary, explosive volcanic activity took place over a broad area in this region. The resulting calc-alkaline volcanic rocks(andesites, dacites), which formed large calderas, lie unconformabaly over the remnants of the thrust-faulted sedimentary units.
 In the Wah Wah Mountains, the nature of this continuing volcanic activity then changed abruptly about 23 million years ago. During this period, potassium-and silica-rich trachyandesites and rhyolites were emplaced the the form of numerous subvolcanic intrusions, small valcanic domes, or short lava flows. These rocks are locally rich in fluorine, and small deposits of uranium, beryllium and fluorine minerals (including topaz and red beryl) are associated with them.

世界最大のベリリウム鉱床 (The world's largest economic deposits of beryllium )
The Spor Mtn. on the western edge of three
calderas(blue) and mineral occurences
Spor Mtn(center) and open pit beryllium mines :
Roadside, Rainbow and Blue Chalk Mines
Open pits of the largest beryllium
deposit in the world

 アメリカ・ユタ州南部には上述の火山活動により世界最大のベリリウム鉱床があります。鉱石は酸化ベリリウムの含有量が14%と低い緑柱石ではなく 42%のベルトラン石【 Be4Si2O7(OH)2 】です。

 In southern Utah region lies the world's largest beryllium deposits, resulted from the forementioned volcanic activities. Ore mineral is not low beryllium oxide contents(14%) beryl, but bertlandite【 Be
4Si2O7(OH)2 】with high (42%) berillium-oxide contents. A lots of beryllium mines together with gold, cupper and uranium mines exist around Spor Mountain in the western edge of blue marked thre continuous calderas in the map.
United States represents 65% of world's beryllium production, of which major part is produced from beryllium mines around Spor Mountain.

ワーワー山地の地層とレッド・ベリルの成因 (Geology and Genesys)
 The beryllium necessary to the red beryl was derived from the host rhyolite, from which it was mobilized as Be-F complexs within a favorable geochemical environment. Average whole-rock Be concentrations in the rhyolite range up to about 25ppm, which is sufficent to crystalize the red bery along fractures(for comparison, the organic black shales at Muzo, Colombia, thought to be the source of beryllium to the emerald deposits, have an average Be concentration of only 3 ±0.5ppm.
Red beryl crystallized when high-temperature fluorine-rich gases(released from the cooling rhyolite ) mixed with vapors from heated waters t(derived from sediments trapped beneatht the flow) to produce a low-density, supercritical fluid that reactee with the rhyolite along fractures. At certain depths within the flow, red beryl formed where Be-F complexes in the supercritical fluid chemically reacted with rhyolite glass, alkali fedspar, and Fe-Mn oxide minerals(bixbyite) along the fractures, primarily as a replacemnt of alkali feldspar.

ワーワー山地,the Violet Claimsのレッド・ベリル鉱山
Red beryl mine at the Violet claims, Wah Wah Mountain
1980年代初頭の光景(early 1980's) 1990年代央(Mid 1990's) In this mineralized section of the Ruby Violet mine,
a number of discontinuous , near-vertical fractures
are exposed in the ryolite host rock
 すみれヶ丘鉱区産のレッド・ベリルの特徴 (Red beryl from Violet Claim)
 普通の緑柱石の不純物は0.28−0.5%程度ですから10倍も多く、この地のレッド・ベリルが如何に特異な生成条件で結晶したかを示すものです。 赤紫色は主に三価のマンガンによる着色です。

 Crystalization of red beryl under hydro-pneumatic conditions, where temperature is coolong rapid, seems to have resulted in small cystals with lots of fissures and inclusions. Red bery contains about 3% of impurities of Ti, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Sn, Cs, Na, Mg, Ca, B, Ba, Cr, Cu, Nb, Pb, Zr, Ga, Rb and Li. Compared with other beryl crystals' impurity of 0.28 to 0.5%, that of red beryl is 10 times higher, which suggests the extraordinary crystalizing conditions.
Reddish purple color derives mainly from tri-valent manganese impurity.

名前について(About name)
 何故なら別に一字違いのビクスビー鉱 (Bixbyite : (Mn,Fe)
2O3) という紛らわしい名前の鉱物があって、しかもその主産地は同じユタ州南部であり、その上、レッド・ベリルの包有物としても発見されるので,なおさら混乱してしまいます。
  鉱物学者の見解では、Bixbyite の結晶が核となってレッド・ベリルの結晶が成長した可能性が考えられるということです。
 これらの名前いずれもアメリカの鉱物学者、Maynard Bixby に因んで命名されました。

 Red beryl is a popular name and has the official mineral name is Bixbite, which is, in general, rarely used, in order to evade the confusion from similarly named Bixbyite[(Mn,Fe)2O3]. Much confusing fact is that bixbyite is found in southern Utha and is often included in red beryl(bixbite) crystal. Mineralogist considers that micro crystals of bixbyite might have induced the crystal growth of bixbite(red beryl). Both names derive from American mineralogist Maynard Bixby(1853-1935). Suppose the first discovered red beryl had been ruby-like transparent crystal, it might have had different elegant name. Some American gem dealers promote red beryl, calling "American Red Emerald", which does not seem to be an appropriate naming, though both emerald and red beryl are color variations of the same beryl group mineral.

レッド・ベリルの採掘の推移  (History of red beryl mining)
ごく僅かな鉱物の展示の中に何故か 2cm程のレッド・ベリルの結晶が展示してありました。 

 Lasmar Hodges discovered red beryl in the Wah Wah Mountains in1958, while proscpecting for uranium; his family worked the deposits, then known as the Violet Claims as a hobby for the next 18 years. In 1976, the Harris family of Delta, Utah, purchased mining rights to the property. Over the next 18 years, the Rex and Ed Harris families worked the deposits on a more regular basis, usually for about 60 dyas per year, mainly in the spring and fall. Most of the mining then took place in open pits with removal of ore, using limited blasting followed by earth-moving equipments, then hand tools to carefully open up the promising sections of the fracture. According to Rex Harris, from 1976 to 1994 the deposits yielded about 0.5 carat of facetable red beryl per ton of ore, with at least 2,000 tons of ore extracted each year.
 なんと世界最大のダイアモンド鉱山,オーストラリアのアーガイル鉱山を傘下に持つイギリスのRTZ社が,アメリカの子会社、Kennecott Explorations を通じてこの鉱区の採掘権を手に入れ、大規模な機械化による採掘を始めたのです。
 当時は Cyprus/AMAX と Great Northern Mining Co.といった、銅やアルミニウム,石炭等の巨人がサファイア鉱山に参入する等、鉱業資本の宝石の分野へ多角化が続々と起きていました。
 600mのトンネルを掘り進め11000トンの岩を掘り出し、56本のドリルから4000m近いコアを採集する等々、精力的な探査活動により有望な結果が得られました ; 凡そ百万トンの母岩からトン当たり0.25gの宝石質のレッドベリル結晶が得られる。研磨の歩留まりが10%として母岩1トン当たり0.125ctのルースが得られると見込まれました。

 On the basis of the recognized gem value of red beryl, in March 1994 Kennecott Explorations Co.(KEC : subsidiary of Rio Tint Zinc, UK) entered into a three year lease witrh the Harris Family, and conducted an extensive program of geologic mapping, core drilling and bulk sampling. The extensive research resulted in removing 11000 tonnes of rock from almost 600m of tunnels and nearly 4000m of core recovery from 56 drill holes. Proven and probable reserves were subsequently estimated to be over 1 million tons of ore with a rough gem grade of 0.25gram(1.25 ct) of beryl per ton. At a faceting yield of 10%, which would equate to 0.125ct of faceted per ton of core.
 Despite the promising result
s, internal corporate politics and downsizing at RTZ led to the disbading of Kennecott's colored gemstone initiative at the end of 1996, and the company decided to divest the property.
  その後鉱山は,1997年に GMI (Gemstone Mining Inc.) 社が採掘権を引き継いで大規模な探鉱と採掘を始めました。 
 GMI 社はケネコット社の採掘した原石の在庫や、宝石研磨工場、採掘用の設備等全てを引継いで、新たに合計500mに達する18本のボーリングを行って埋蔵量を調査した結果、21世紀以降,毎年25000カラットのルースを生産出来る予定であると当初伝えられました。
しかし その後 GMI 社も2001年に破産し操業を停止しました。

 In March 1997, GMI(Gemstone Mining Inc.) purchased from the Harris family a one-year extension of the lease option, also evaluate the fisibility of mining red beryl on a large scale. In addition, GMI aquired all cut and uncut gem material that Kennecott had produced, their schietific, production, and marketing data; and the processing plant. GMI performed further investigations of the geology and ore grade of the deposits, which included geologic mapping, core drilling, and bulk sammpling, resulting in the favorable results for a large scale mining. However in August 2001, GMI bankrupted and The Harris family regained complete ownership of the mine and intend to resume small mining operation, until a new purchaser is found for the property.

合成レッド・ベリル(Synthetic Red Beryl)

  Beryl synthesis has been tried since mid 19th century. And after long trials and errors, American Chemist, Carrol Chatham has finally succeeded in establishing the flux method emerald synthethis technic around 1940. The impact of high quality Chatham synthetic emerald was so great and the modern gemmology practically started, in order to separate the synthetic from natural gemstones. And other synthetic gemstones, such as ruby, sapphire, alexandrite were followed with various method. However commercial success of synthetic gemstone business is rather moderate, while synthetic gem crystals plays an important roll, definitively in modern science, technology and industrial field.
 Hydrothermal synthetic red beryl was developed in late 1990, by the Institute of Crystallography and an affiliated company, Emcom Ltd., both in Moskow.
ファセット・カットされた熱水法合成レッド・ベリル ( Hydrothermal Synthetic Red Beryl facet cut stones)
 1.55ct 7.8x6.0mm  1.55ct 7.3x7.3mm  1.25ct Ø7.0x4.7mm  1.75ct 7.13x7.02mm  0.76ct 7.8x4.7mm

            3.11ct 10.3x8.0x4.0mm  1.87ct 7.8x5.4x4.6mm  1.95ct 7.2x5.5x4.0mm  4.34ct 10.7x6.7x5.8mm

(Hydrothermal synthetic beryl crystals
14.5 - 31.6ct
(Hydrothermal Synthetic Red Beryl Crystals) 
 53ct 38x13x8mm  324 & 125ct

    ロシアの合成レッド・ベリルの特徴 (Characteristc of Russian synthetic red beryl)


 Natural red beryl is crystalized under pneumatic condition and is colored by tri-valent manganese ion. While Russian synthetic red beryl is grown by hydrothermal method, which simulate the natural beryl crystalization ; to grow crystals by the so-called regeneration technique from a hydrothermal solution at temperatures of more than 600℃ and pressure s of more than 2000 bars.
 To obtain the desired red to orange-red color, Co and Mn are introduced into the growth system.
Two hexagonal shape stones of 1.95 and 1.87ct are artificialy cut synthetic red beryls to immitate natural red beryl crystals
Because of different crystal growth conditions, it is quite easy to separate synthetic red beryl from the natural counterpart
using traditional technique.
 Synthetic beryls in the upper left photo are colored by manganese(pink), cupper(blue), cobalt(reddish purple) and chromium and mangan(purple).

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