(Tourmalines of
African Great Rift Valley)
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アフリカ大地溝帯の特異な色合いのトルマリン 0.85
- 7.99ct Tourmalines with peculiar shades from African Great Rift Valley |
The Great Rift Valley runs north to south for some 7000km, from northern Syria in South East Asia to Central Mozambique in East Africa.
The Valley varies in width from 30 to 100km, and in depth from a few hundred to several thousand meters.
The Great Rift Valley is the result of the rifting and separation of the Africa and Arabian techtonic plates that began 40 million years ago in the north and by the ongoing separation of East Africa from the rest of Africa along the East African Rift, which began about 15 million years ago. The formation of the Rift Valley continues, driven by mantle plumes and ultimately a result of the African superswell.
From Kenya to Mozambique, tourmalines with peculiar colors ; red-dark brown-golden-green-emerald green are mined.
They are mainly rare gemmy uvite-drivite, with higher impurity of mangan, chrome and vanadium, which derives from these geological back ground.
タンザニアのトルマリン(Tourmalines from Tanzania)
ウヴァイトードラヴァイト系のトルマリン (Tanzanian uvite-dravite series tourmaline)
チェルシー・フィルター反応は個々の石により赤味を帯びるもの、或いは無反応と様々で、違いはクロム含有の多寡によるためと考えられます。0.93 - 9.05ct Morogoro, Tanzania
Tanzania, known as one of the richest gem producer, is, however not significant, rather poor producer of tourmalines. But tourmalines with strange colors are reported sporadically. Photo on top is that example ; These tourmalines were recovered as waterworn pebbles weighing 0.1-5grams, from alluvial deposits in Morogoro, Tanzania in January 2005. It is estimated that an average of about 5-10kg per month of fine facetable material was being produced. The faceted tourmalines typically range 0.25 to 3ct, although stones as large as 15ct have been cut. Chemical analysis and physical data of R.I. 1.622-648, and S.G. 3.05-07 revealed them as uvite-dravite tourmaline. Chelsea filtor reaction ; none to medium red.
7.99ct 13.8x14.6mm
Gems & Gemology 2006 Summer 号の上記の6個の写真と情報のおかげでかつて入手した3個のタンザニア産トルマリンの正体がようやく判明しました。
7.99ctのトルマリンはチェルシー・フィルターに反応してやや赤味を帯びます。2.54ct 9.54x7.25mm 1.55ct 8.0x6.85mm
An article of Gems & Gemology( Summer 2006 pp182-183) reminds me of tourmalines in my collection ; top photo of 7.99ct stone and bottom photos of 2.54 and 1.66ct faceted stones. I obtained them about 20 years ago at Tucson from German cutter as tourmalines from Tanzania. They show strong pleochroism between dark to bright green - yellow - brownish orange, depending on differnt viewing angles. I have been wondering which type of tourmaline they belong, but it is almost impposible to determine the tourmaline species without chemical analysis using professional equimpents. Thanks to the article, I can determine them as uvite-dravite series tourmaline, perhaps from the same locality of Morogoro.This stone reacts to become medium red through chelsea filtor.
(Tourmaline with an apparent change-of-color in one pleochroic direction)
白熱光(Incandescent light) 蛍光灯(Fluorescent light) Uvite 2.33ct Umbasara, Tanzania
Tourmaline is a mineral which intrinsically shows strong pleochroism and multi colored crystal are commonly found. However, tourmalines that show alexandrite-like change of color is quite rare. The 2.33ct tourmaline of the photo showing an interesting color shift was reported ; This stone appears strongly pleochroic in reddish brown and green in incandescent light, but looks uniformly green in fluorescent light. When viewd table-up in dayligh-equivalent fluorescent light, this stone is brownish yellowish green, with even color distribution. The overall color shifts only slightly between daylight-equivalent fluorescent light and incandescent light, howeverthe evident pleochroism changed marketedly. Normally pleochroism is determined using polariscope in daylightr-equivalent fluorescent light ; for this sample, these colors were dark yellowish green and brown-orange. In this case, the stone still shows the same brown-orange pleochroic color in incandescent light with much brighter(lighter and much saturated) yellow-green. The overall effect is an oenophile's delight : In incandescent light, this stone resembled red Burgandy wine in its typical green bottle; however, in daylight-equivalent fluorescent light, the bottle looked empty. This stone was cut and purchased in Srilanka, but stone itself was imported. The detailed phisical measurement and chemical analysis revealed this stone as uvite, the caslcium magnesium tourmaline, in good agreement with the tourmaline from Umbasara, Tanzania, which were described in tow reports in the Journal of Gemology Vol. 25, No.5 1997, pp325-330 and Vol. 26, No.6, 1999, pp386-396.
クロム・トルマリン (Chrome Tourmaline)
クロム・トルマリン(Chrome Tourmaline) 2.9x2x1.8cm
Landanai, Tanzania1.04ct 6x6mm 0.46ct 5.5x4.5mmmm 1.56ct 8.1x6.0mm
14x10x6mm 10mm 1.10ct 8.1x6.1mm 1.17ct 6.8x6.0mm 1.31ct 6.4x5.8mm Uvite (Vn.) Burma
End of 19th century in Burma, on the west bank of Salween River in the Karenni Hills, emerald-green troumaline was reported. This tourmaline was identified as uvite, of which emerald-green color was attributed to chrome. It was in 1956 that cause of color was correctly described not chrome, but vanadium, yet the name chrome tourmaline survived, thenafter.
Presently, Tanzania dominates the supply of chrome tourmaline from Umba River, Merelani and mine of Landanai area, located abougt 100km south of Merelani Hills. Tanzanian chrome tourmaline is a complete uvite-dravite solid solution and containes as much or even higher chrome impurity as vanadium to justify the traditional name.
普通のトルマリン (Tanzanian common tourmaline)
2.49ct 9x8mm 3.35ct 10.6x8.6mm 2.45ct 10.15x6.2mm
何故か他の産地では宝石質が稀なウヴァイトードラヴァイト系のトルマリンがここでは前述の褐色ー金色、多色、エメラルド・グリーン等魅力的な色合いの饗宴を展開しています。 とはいっても、写真のように鉄発色による普通の宝石質のトルマリンもないわけではありません。
In Tanzania, tourmaline, commonly schorl, is found in pegmatites that are mined for mica. Curiously as before mentioned rare uvite-dravite series, which is rarely gemmy in other localities, shows fascinating brown to golden, multi-color and emerald -green color. Three stones of above photos are, although looks abundant in locality, such as Brazil, common iron colored tourmalines, relatively rare in Tanzania.
ケニアのトルマリン(Tourmalines from Kenya)
写真の石は独特の色変わりを見せます : それぞれ白熱光と蛍光灯と単独の照明ではいずれも濃い黄色ですが、同時に両方の光の下では緑がかったレモン色に変化します。
Most of tourmalines in Kenya are practically recovered from Umb River, which runs between Kenya-Tanzanian border. We encounter relatively rare yellow species as Kenyan tourmaline. A strange color change type is reported : a dark yellow color seen under fluorescent and incandescent light, but becomes disdtinctly greenish-yellow when illuminated simulaneously with incandesdent light and fluoresdent lighting. Microprobe analysis identified the stone as dravite with approximately 9.9 wt. % MgO. Titanium is the major impurity with minor amounts of vanadium and iron, and traces iof manganese and chromium. Color change is attributed to Fe2+ - Ti4+ charge transfer and V3+ respectively.白熱光と蛍光灯単独の照明
(Single source lighting)両方の照明Incandesent/Fluorescent lighting Dravite 2.56ct
0.85ct x 2 9.8x4.7mm 2.67ct 9.0x6.6mm 4.50 and 3.06ct(12.6x6.7x5.6mm)
Pear cut pair stones are not imperial topaz, but tourmalines from Kenya. Because of similar R.I. values of tourmaline and topaz, it is almost impossible to identify them only with unaided eye. Next emerald-cut lemon-yellow tourmaline is from Kenya, too. Except East Africa, tourmalines of these colors are encountered only from Mogok, Burma. Two brownish materials are roughs of these golden to yellow color tourmalines, great probably from pegmatite mines in Tsavo National Park near Tanzanian border, where they have been reported since early 1980. Chemical analysis revealed them as uvite-dravite series with manganese and minor chorome impurity, which are cause of these attractive colors.
ザンビアのトルマリン(Tourmalines from Zambia)
Zambian tourmaline became well known around 1980 when it began to produce deep-red schorl-dravite. Large crystals of yellowish manganoan elbaite discovered in 2000 near Malawi border immediately appealed to the world gem market.
Peculiar colored species are being reported one after another.
(Dravite that excited geologists)
A rare deep-red dravite discovered in Zambia, at Chipata, near Malawi border gathered the hot interests from geologists due to its resemblance to dravite already discovered in 1975 at 1000km far in Kenya. The detailed analysis revealed the extreme similarity not only their color but also chemical composition, Refractrive Index and Specific Gravity as if they were twin.Red dravite 8.5cm
Chipata, Zambia
* : Data not included in the analysis ** : Below the detection limit(0.02%)
K2O Na2O CaO MgO MnO FeO TiO2 SiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 R.I. S.G. Kenya 0.06 2.7 0.06 9.4 0.03 4.4 0.3 37.9 31.1 * * 1.624-654 3.03-07 Zambia 0.02 2.3 0.14 10.0 0.05 2.1 0.2 36.7 33.9 ** ** 1.623-657 3.07-08
All the physical and optical properties of this Zambian tourmaline indicate that it is very similar to a rare type of dravite found only in one small locality in Kenya. This similarity suggests that a common geologic origin exists between these two areas even though they are a thousand kilometer apart. The localities are sitated at opposit end of Mozambique belt. The fact that both types of tourmalines are so rare and yet so similar, in conjunction with the geologic evidence available, suggests that perhaps the Kenyan and Zambian dravites were generated by the same geologic event.
マンガン・トルマリン (Tourmaline with high manganese contents)
マンガン含有率の高いトルマリン(Tourmalines with high manganese contents) 非加熱(non heated) 加熱後(heated) 38.47ct Zambia
この38.47ctの石は類のない色合いと、トルマリンの範疇(0.020)を越える 0.028の副屈折率を示しました。
Yellowish-green troumaline was reported in 1986. This 38.47ct tourmaline has intriguing vivid color, which has never been seen in gem tourmaline. In addition, this stone gave a birefringence value of 0.028, which is well above the nmaximum typically noted for other gem tourmalines, while other physical data are within the range of tourmalines. Chemical analysis revealed an unusally high level of manganese(9.2 wt.% MnO). Since early 1980、pegmatite localities along the Luangwa River Valley of Zambia produced high manganese bearing tourmalines, which original brownish shade was turned to be bright greenish-yellow after heat treatment and distributed under Tsilaisite. Tsilaisite is an unofficial name given to the high-manganese bearing(about 20%) tourmaline, discovered in Tsilaizina, Madagascar around 1910.
ビスマスを含むトルマリン(Bismuth bearing Tourmaline)
Pegmatite mine locality near Zambia/Malawi borderルンダジ地区のペグマタイト鉱山
(Pegmatite mine in Lundazi area)
(Color zones in nodule)
含ビスマスの多色のトルマリン 3.38 -8.14ct
(Multicolor tourmalines)5.87 and 4.94ct Lundazi, Zambia
屈折率や比重等は普通のエルバイト・トルマリンですが、分析の結果最大で0.49 wt.%(Bi2O3)のビスマスが含まれていることが判明しました。
In October 1996, multi colored tourmaline was discovered together with spessartine and quamrine etc., at
alluvial deposit of Lundazi, near Malawi border in north-easter Zambia. This is an ordinary elbaite tourmaline with physical and optical data within the range of normal tourmaline. However chemical analysis using EDXRF revealed that this tourmaline is unusally rich in bismuth(up to 0.49 wt.%). The pink colored part has 10 to 30 times higher bismuth contents than other color parts. Examples of Bi-bearing tourmalinme are relatively uncommon. In an exhaustive literature serrch, Dietrich(1985) noted trace amounts of Bi in dravite-uvite and schorl tourmalines but not in elbaite. Rubellites from miarolitic granitic pegmatite in Malkhan Range in Central Transbaikal, Russia that contained both Bi(up to 0.55 wt.%) and lead. The elbaite from São Jose da Batalha, Paraiba, Brazil, are known for their copper contents, together with up to 0.83 wt.% Bi2O3.
カナリア・トルマリン (Canary tourmaline)
6.0 - 25.0ct 0.89ct
Gem-quality yellow
tourmaline in schorl 6.5cm加熱前
(Before heating)550℃で2時間加熱後
after heated for
two hours at 550℃Kabelubelu Mining area, Zambia
かつて"double blue" アクアマリン
Canary Mining Area,
once a sourc of
"double blue" aquamarineペグマタイト鉱脈
(Pegmatite vein)重機による初生鉱床の採掘 2003-2004
Exploration of primary deposits
with large excavator
(Secondary deposits downslope
from the main Canary pegmatite)
Before treatment, the rough was brown to brownish-yellow. Because the tourmaline typically contains black needle-like inclusions, 95% of the rough yields faceted gems that are less than one carat. Most of the finished stones are 0.10-0.50ct. Production has been quite steady at approximately 10,000 carats per month. Currently 95% of the production is being sold in Japan. Microprobe analysis recorded an enrichment in manganese(6.93 wt.% MnO). The bright yellow color is attributed to Mn2+ - Ti4+ intervalence charge transfer.
他に類を見ない明るい黄色は、6.93%と高いマンガンの含有率によるMn2+ ーTi4+荷電子間電荷移動によるものと考えられています。
A new deposit of electric yellow and greenish yellow tourmalines was discovered in fall 2000 at Canary area pegmatite, Zambia near Malawi border. The bright yellow gems are being marketed as "Canary" tourmaline. Although some of the material is natural color, much of it has been heat treated to achieve the "electric" yellow color.
モザンビークのトルマリン (Tourmalines of Mozambique)
0.94 - 4.39ct
Moazmbique TourmalinesAlthough Mozambique used to produce superb tourmaline crystals, most of them are uvite-drive series with dark multi-color type and are faceted mainly for collectors,n rathan than for jewelery purpose. Hoever, since beginning of 2000, Paraiba type cuprian elbaite were discovered and created sensations in gem trade for their brillant color and stable production.
モザンビーク北東部の地質(Geology of North-Eastern Mozambique)
The pegmatite district oies within the Gneiss-Migmatite Complex , a huge area of metamorphic rocks and granite intrusions of pre-Karroo age. These rocks are part of the Mozambique Belt, which has yielded rich mineral and gem wealth from Mozambique through Kenya and Tanzania. Pegmatites are quite common throughout the Precambrian rocks of Mozambique.
第四紀(Quaternary) 第三紀 (Terciary) 白亜紀(Cretaceous)
アルカリ溶岩層(Alcali lava)中生代カルー期(Karroo)
溶岩流(Acid & basaltic lava)
深成岩(Plutonic Rocks)
塩基性岩(Basic Rocks)
Naica Mine ca.1955 鉱山への鉄道(Narrow-guage railroad)
Muiane Mineムイアーネ鉱山の採掘光景 1955年
Primitive mining at the Muiane mine
巨大な緑柱石結晶(Large beryl crystal) アルト リゴーニャ ペグマタイト地区の鉱山(The Alto Ligonha pegmatite area mines) モルガナイトの採掘(Morganite mining)
Mocachaia Mine
モザンビークのペグマタイト(Pegmatites of Mozambique)
モザンビークでは金の他にベリリウム、ニオブータンタル、リチウム、ビスマス、トリウム等希少金属と雲母、カオリン等の産業資源が採掘されてきました。下記の表はかつて採掘された資源の記録です ; 単位(unit) : トン(tons)
緑柱石 Beryl コルンブ石-
タンタル石Columbite-Tantaliteトルマリン Tourmaline リチウム鉱石 Lithium ore 雲母 Micas サマルスキー石 Samarskite 輝蒼鉛鉱 Bismuthinite モナズ石Monazite カオリン Kaolin 1937〜 1958 7,300 570 1.4 10,300 150 20 20 15 650 1962 440 110 - 200 1 - 15 - -
Rich mineral resources of Mozambique were recognized already in 10th centuries by Indian and Arabian navigators.
After Portuguese colonialization in late 19th centuries, gold and gem pink tourmaline were discovered in pegmatite veins at Alto Ligonha and nearby Muiane, followed by disdoveries of rich ores in surrounding area.
Alto Ligonha, 150km inland from the coast of Indian Ocean is in the center of one of the world's largest pegmatite districts. It develops over 30,000 km2 and is home to hundreds of quarries, mines and prospects, producing beryllium, lithium, tantalum, bismuth, thorium, micas, kaolines etc., mainly as industrial resources.
モザンビークのトルマリン結晶 (Tourmaline crystals of Mozambique)
3cm 3.1cm 7.8cm 7.7cm 16cm William Larson Collection Harvard University Collection Smithsonian Collection Muiane Mine Nacala Mine Alto Ligonha
These faceted stones are of common quality elbaite. But their remarkable finishing by skilfull American cutter remind me of the first discovered pink tourmalines at Alto Ligonha and faceted stones, probably cut at Idar-Oberstein, Germany.1.62ct 7.7x6.2mm 1.87ct 9.8x6.8mm
1.39ct 7.6x6.6mm 1.31ct Ø6.5mm 1.81ct 8.6x5.35mm
Three tourmalines in this photo looks like imperial topazes. Indeed both tourmaline and topze have close density and refractive index and are tend to be confused. However it would not cause serious troubles because their market price is close, too. These tourmalines have rather rare attractive colors as Mozambique elbaite.
3.53ct 10.2x8.3mm 0.96 - 2.28ct 1.93ct 8.2x6.85mm 2.59ct 8.8x7.0mm
First 3.53 carat stone is a typical uvaite-dravite. Bright golden color sparks out when turned in illumination. This stone was finished by same top cutter in U.S.A. as the stone of lower photos. Three pale color stones are old aquisition of over 20 years, while tourmalines were of rarity. Two following stones in pastel color are recent aquisition. They show attractive multi-colors when viewd from different angles and illuminations.
4.39ct 9.6x7.8mm Mozambique
Could dark-brown color, like upper left photo appealed to my attention, if it were not super bargain priced as low as US$7.00 per carat for a rare Mozambique tourmaline ? This facetted tourmaline revealed it's fascinating metamorphosis, fianlly in my hand. I could not stop sighing with its delicate pastel green seen from side of stone. The cutting skill by Coast to Coast rare stone cutter could be well appreciated only when this stone is viewed on hand.
3.46ct 10.6mm 1.62ct 9.15x6.85mm 1.40ct 9.25x6.80mm 0.94ct 7.55x5.25ct Mozambique
A town of Idar-Oberstein, Germany lies close to both French and Luxenbourger border. This town developped for gem industries cutting agates and amethyst mined in the town. After their own gem resources exhausgted, people maintained their cutting skill to become one of the leading gem cutting center in the world, today. When you visit Tucson Show, do not miss their exciting booses of over 30 blocks, housed in Holiday Inn Broadway Hotel. Brownish-red and golden tourmalines of photo were facetted by an independent cutter from small town Kirschenweiler in the suburb of Idar-Oberstein. His family has been cutting gems since 1502, buying roughs direct from original source. I purchased these tourmalines about 20 years ago, just for their charming color thanks to their superb cutting skill and strange locality as Mozambique. Now, I know they belong to rare gem species of uvite-dravite tourmalines.
モザンビークのパライバ型トルマリン(Paraiba-type tourmaline from Mozambique)
1.75ct 10x6x4mm 2.22ct 11.2x7.2mm 1.02ct 7.7x5.8x3.3mm 1.81ct 8.8x6.8x4.6mm 5.16ct 12.8x9.7x5.7mm
Bright color Cu-bearing tourmaline, so-called ; neon-blue, electric blue etc., were first discovered at Paraiba in 1989, followed by new mines in neighboring Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil during the 1990s. Then, after 2001, similar tourmaline discovery were reported from three localities in Nigeria and one new locality in Mozambique, Africa. Although most of Mozambique troumaline has relatively pale color, some are equivalent as original Paraiba one and several tens of carat stones are not rare. Mozambique troumaline now creates sensations in gem trade for its stable and rich production.
These troumalines are clasified as elbaite tourmaline with cupper and manganese and color varies depending on impurity ratio of other metalic ions. After long confusion on nomenclature, blue to green Cu-bearing troumaline is called officialy as paraiba troumaline in gem trades.
It was a great surprise that rare Cu-bearing tourmaline was newly discovered in Mozambique, where pegmatite mining started over 100 years ago. Although it was reported from Alto Ligonha first, but recent report revealed the new mine near Mavuco area, located about 100km south east from Alto Ligonha.
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アルト・リゴーニャ・ペグマタイト地帯の パライバ・トルマリンの新産地マヴコ地域 Mavuco Cu-bearing tourmaline locality on the eastern side of well-known Alto-Ligonha pegmatite distric |
イウルチ山とムリ山の二つの花崗岩塊の山 の中間にあるトルマリンの漂砂鉱床地帯 The Cu-bearing tourmaline deposit, situated approximatelly between two granitic massifs, Mt.Muli and M t. Iuluti. |
南のムリ山からのマヴコの集落と背景に風化した 赤褐色のラテライト層のトルマリン鉱床 This view of the Mavuco area from the top of Mt.Muli shows a portion of the town and the weatered red-brown laterite that denotesthe mining area in the background |
深さ0.5−5mの トルマリン漂砂鉱床 Alluvial deposit of 0.5-5m depth |
新産地の地質と採掘(Geology and mining at Mavuco)
トルマリンの発見当初は7000人もの現地人が至る所を掘り返していましたが、現在は正規の採掘権を得た Mozambique Gems 社に雇われた32人の鉱夫がつるはしとシャベルで採掘しています。
It was in 2001 that a farmer discovered vivid colored troumalines near the village of Mavuco.
In 2003, a parcel of this troumaline sold in the United States was found to contain traces of copper.
But it was not widly sold with its Mozambique origine disclosed until September 2005.
Troumalines are mined from alluvial deposits in an approximately 3 km2 area near mavuco in the easter portion of Alto Ligonha pegmatite district.
The Cu-bearing troumaline has only been found as waterworn pebbles in secondary deposits.
The troumaline-bearing layer rests ion top of weathered biotite gneiss bedrock, and itself is covered by a red-brown to black tropically weatered horizon in thickness from approximately 0.5m near seasonal strem to typically 3-5m. Prior to this discovery, fine cryustals of quartz, troumalines and aquamarines were discovered in the nearby pegmatite outcrops during the mid-1980s to the late 1990s and some of them were mined but Cu-bearing tourmaline layer of Mavuco area was not recognized due to thick overburden. The extent of the troumaline bearing horizon has not yet been determined and the primary deposit of Cu-bearing troumalines, neither.
When mining started, more than 7000 people rushed for mining. Today Mozambique Gems who aquired the legal mining writ employes 32 minors who works with shovels and picks. Due to scareceness or unavailability of water during most of the year, gem recovery by artisanal mining is difficult. The company is building a washing plant capable of processing 150-200 tonnes of material per day, followed by mechanized mining with heavy materials by mid 2008. Mechanized mining with estimated over 600 workers and wider scale exploration started in the surrounding area may also result in the discovery of new areas.
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ラテライト層の下の白っぽい漂砂鉱床層 Tourmaline is found in a light reddish brown quartz-rich gravel. |
非加熱の水磨礫 0.3−1.1g Unheated waterworn pebbles |
非加熱のルース 1.69 − 3.76ct Unheated faceted stones. |
The large pit in the left photo shows a good cross-section of the troumaline deposit in a light reddish brown quartz-rich gravel layer on top of light tan weathered bedrock of biotite.gneiss. This layer is suggested, by angular water-worn pebbles, a fluvial origine, deposited by a stream or river, transported downhill through spasmodic flash floods, from primary deposit(distances on the order of 10km or less). Center photo with unheated rough troumalines are obtained in Nampula. Three of the samples are imitations: an amethyst, somewhat triagular purple piece onthe left), a very klight yellowish green fluorite(center inthe 3rd line from right) and a light bluish green below the fluorite.
Right photo shows a wide range of natural, unheated colors of Mozambique Cu-bearing troumalines.
Extended chemical analysis revealed color cause of Mozambique troumalines as follows ;
All toumaline contains copper and manganese ; up to 0.66wt.% CuO and 3.09 wt.% MnO. Pink color is caused by minmum 0.2wt.% MnO. Higher MnO concentrations of MnO results in purple and violet. blue color is caused by 0.3wt.% of CuO concentration. About 1wt.% Fe with 300ppm of Ti concentration are cause of gree to yellowsh green color.
加熱処理による色の変化(Color change by heat treatment)
Faceted stones and
water-worn pebbles
All but the blue stone are unheated.非加熱のパライバトルマリン 10.55-16.50ct
Reportedly unheated stones of vivid colors同じ結晶片の色の変化
Each pair of polished plates,sliced
from the same piece of rough
Upper pieces are after heated and
bottompieces are before heating.
上段(加熱後)と下段(非加熱)との色変化の比較 0.42 - 0.85ct Comparison of color change ; after(top raw) and before(bottom raw) of Cu-bearing tourmalines
Most popular neon-blue color is obtained by heat treatment of stones at 530℃ for three hous in the reducing atmosphere.
All stones showed two distinctive broad bands cntered at 〜700nm and 900nm, caused by Cu2+ absorption . In addition, the unheated violet stones also exhibited a broad absorption between〜 500 and 550nm due to Mn3+, causing a transmission window at 〜400-430nm that produced the violet color. Reduction of the Mn3+ absorption band is the major change noted as the result of heating of the violet and darker blue tourmaline samples. Most of the green stones showed little change in Vis-NIR absorption after heating.
Colors after heat treatment is stable and never fades nor returns to original colors under normal uses.
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最大級の加熱トルマリン 88.07ct 右は1カラットのダイアモンド The largest heated paraiba tourmaline with 1ct diamond |
非加熱のパライバ型トルマリン 1.28 - 3.02ct Unheated Cu-bearing tourmalines |
銅を含むがパライバ型の色を 示さないトルマリン Cu-bearing tourmalines in less common colors 上(top) 3.71-17.49ct) 下(bottom) 80.54ct |
ナイジェリア新産地の パライバ型トルマリン 0.31-1.04ct Cu-bearing touramlines from New locality in Nigeria. |
Mozambique troumalines are in general relatively pale compared with original Paraiba troumalines. The best one is equivalent to the Paraiba stones. Today large and transparent stones are abundant and stable production started, resulting in the affordable price level of US$100 to 200 per carat for moderate quality stones. Price vries 10 to 100 times, depending on stone size, color, inclusions, cutting skil, etc, respectively. Today, because of Mozambique factor, there are considerable price confusion in the market yet, that will be stabilized within a year.
Although most popular and expensive neon-blue color is obtained by heating, unheated purple to violet stones are often seen in the market.
In late 2007, new locality of Paraiba troumaline was reported from Nigeria. Stones recovered from this locality terribly resembles that of Mozambique ones. It is possible to identify origine of stones by analysing detailed contents of minor Ga,Pb, and Bi impurity at laboratories.
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