
世界の菱マンガン鉱ルース (Faceted rhodochrosite from world's locality)
 0.25 −39.51ct

1.93ct 8.6x6.5mm 3.73ct 15x8mm 4.17ct 10.2x8mm 1.4ct 8.5x6mm, 1.1ct 6.9x5.9mm 2.85ct Ø8.1mm 
Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado, U.S.A. 茨城県高取鉱山
Takatori Mine, Ibaragi, Japan
Uchucchacua Mine,
Oyon, Lima Distric, Peru
 0.67ct 6.1x4mm 0.31ct 5.0x3.1mm  4.80ct 9.7x8.2x6.2mm  0.28ct 5.0x3.1mm
Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada 中国江西省 チュアン族自治区 武東鉱山 (Wutong Mine, China)

 6.11ct 14.5x9.5x6.0mm  6.6ct 10.1x9.2x7.4mm  4.22ct 9.2x7.9x6.8mm  0.25ct 3.8mm
 N'Chwaning Mine, Kurman, South Africa

(Chemical Composition)
(Crystal System)
(Crystal Form)
(Refractive Index)
MnCO3 三方晶系
3.40-70 1.60-82

名前と産状(Name and Occurence)
  ロードクロサイト(菱マンガン鉱)の名前はギリシア語の ”rhodon=薔薇とkhroma=色” に由来し、1813年にドイツの鉱物学者J.F.L. ハウスマンによって命名されました。日本名は結晶が見事な菱形の面を示すことに由来します。

  Rhodochrosite's name derives from Greek, "rhodon=rose and khroma=color" for it's color, named by German geologist Johann Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann. Rhodochrosite commonly occus as a gangue mineral in medium-and-low temperature hydrothermal veins, or in high temperature metasomatic deposits and sedimentary manganese deposits, or rarely as a late stage hydrothermal mineral in pegmatite.
In general, rhodochrosite is found massive, granular, and botryoidal aggregates forms. Transparent rhombohedral and scalenohedral crystals, recovered from below-mentioned localities are the most seeked after by collectors.
 The attractive rose color derives from manganese ion and minor iron impurity results in deep red color.

 スイート・ホーム鉱山 (Sweet Home Mine) Alma, Colorado U.S.A.
Mining crews of Sweet Home Mine
2003年の鉱山 背景はモスキート山地
Mine in 2003 in Mosquito Range
Rhodochrosite pocket and display at
Denver Museum of Natural HIstory, Colorado, U.S.A

2008 Tucson Show  " Great American Minerals " Sweet Home Mine Rhodochrosites
 スイートホーム鉱山は銀山としては60年代に閉鎖されましたが、1991年に純粋に菱マンガン鉱の結晶採取を目的に、300万ドルを投下して再開され、1992年には早くも The Alma King と名付けられた一辺の長さ14cm巨大な結晶が発見されました。
 The Sweet Home mine lies near the small town of Alma, at about 3350m above see level in the rugged Mosquito Range about 128km southwest of Dever, Colorad.
The mine (first called as The Home Seeet Home mine) operated for siliver since 1872 to 1960's. As in case of other localities, although rhodochrosite is only a bi-products of metal resources, crystals found in the cavity became famous in lator years.
In 1887, Dr. George F. Kunz of Tiffany & Company reported finding gem-quality rhodochrosite in Colorado, "the first locality to yield crystals of such magnitude and transparency." Though rhodochrosite crystals occurs in many gold, silver and molybdenum mines in this area, taht of Sweet Home mine's were outstanding both for quality and volumes.

Rhodochrosite is deposited from hydrothermal solutions containing metal ions, sulfer, carbon, oxygen, fluorine and manganese. The solutions work their way through fissures and when the solutions cools at about 300℃, rhodochrosite crystalizes along the cavity walls. The Sweet Home silver mine was closed in 1960's but reopened in 1991 under an ambitious effort to uncover and extract fine rhodochrosite specimens, with capital of US$ 3million. The challenge resulted in the discovery of the largest sopecimen called "the Alma King : a crystal measuring 14cm that sits on a matrix of quartz over 65cm", which is now in the collection of the Denver Museum of Natural History. Hoever, total crystal collection has been far less than expected both by volume and quality and the mine was closed in early 2000's.
(Rhodochrosite crystal in a pocket)
酸とエアブラシで洗浄後 14x12cm
(After cleaning of silica and mud
coating by acid and air abrasion)
21x10x10mm 3.73ct 15x8mm 17x13mm

 Rhodochrosite crystals are not spectacular when recovered at the vein. They reveal their real beauty after careful trimming and cleaning by combinations of acid and air abrasion.
     ペルーの菱マンガン鉱(Rhdochrosites from Peru)

9x8cm スミソニアン博物館
Smithsonian Institution Collection
Bruce Dreck Collection
葡萄状と菱面体結晶 48x38x34mm
Botryoidal and rhombohedral
rhodochrosite crystal matrix
ルース 1.4 1.1ct
Huallapon Mine Uchucchacua Mine, Oyon, Lima District, Peru

1. Quiruvilca Ditrict 3800 - 4000m
2. Pasto Bueno District
Huallapon, La magistral,
Mundo Nuevo, Tamboras
3300 - 5000m
3. Raura District
4. Pachapaqui District 3800 - 4500m
5. Huanzala Mine
6. Uchucchacua Mine 4500 - 4800m
7. Cerro de Pasco Mine
8. Huaron Mines(20 mines) 4300 - 4800m
9. Morococha District 4400m
10. Casapalca District 4400m
11. Pampa Blanca Areas
12. Julcani District 4200m
13. Gastrorireyna District 5000m

中でも首都リマの北400kmの2.パスト・ブエノ地区のワジャポン(Huallapon)鉱山とリマの北100kmの6.ウチュクチャクア(Uchucchacua Mine)鉱山はコロラドのスイート・ホーム鉱山産と肩を並べる透明な美しい大型結晶を産します。

 The Andes, which lie along western coast of South America for 7500km long and 500km wide, is rich in heavy metal resources. In Peruvian Andes, numerous mines exist along 1000km long. The map shows 13 major locations of mineralizing group of gole, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, manganese, etc. Nine localities produce rhodochrosite. Particulary, Huallapon mine in Pasto Bueno District, 400km north from Lima and Uchucchacua mine produce superb gemmy rhodocchrosite crystals, equivalent to that from Sweet Home mine, Colorado, U.S.A.

Mountain road to Huallapon Mine, 4500m in Andes Mountains
ワジャポン鉱山(Huallapon Mine)

  1980年頃から鉱脈のポケット(晶洞)に菱マンガン鉱結晶、マンガン重石: MnWO4 ,紫の燐灰石、緑や茶色の閃亜鉛鉱、安四面銅鉱、菱鉄鉱、方鉛鉱、黄鉄鉱、方解石等の世界的な水準の美しい結晶が発見され始めました。

 The Pasto Bueno mining region was recognized as a potential source of copper, lead, silver, gold, tungsten, and molybdenum early in the 19th century. But high elevation of 4500m, a lack of denpendable labor, remoteness, and excessively rugged country retarded major development. Good quantities of tungsten minerals were discovered in 1910, but mining effors remained desultory, and the mines were closed for long periods. In 1934 a Peruvian company reopened the Huallapon with some success. The mining with modern equipments started in 1970's to emarge incredibly beautiful crystals of rhodochrosite, huebnerite, purple apatite, green and brown sphalerite, tetrahedrite, siderite, pyrite, galena, enargit, calcite and dolomite. These crystals rank quite favorably with their counterparts from other localities, and these specimens now surface to find a ready market- frequently represented by mineral dealers patiently waiting at Huallapon's portals. Huallapon rhodochrosite nearly matches the red of the best specimens from Alma, Colorado, and their brilliant luster surpasses the Alma material.
ウチュクチャクア鉱山(Uchucchacua Mine)


 Uchucchacua mine is a silver-manganese-lead-zinc replacement vein in skarn district located at elevation of 4500 to 5100m in the Andes Mountains, in Oyon Province, Lima District, Peru. This mine is famous among collectors for the rhodochrosite crystal of gemmy quality and scalenohedral shape, the only ones can compete with the Sweet Home mine and N'Chwaning mine, South Africa.
南アフリカ ンチュワニン鉱山(N'Chwaning Mine, South Africa)

Smartt Prospecting area
Manganese outcrops
Entrance to N'Chwaning Mine
Near smartt, 30km south of Hotazel, Kalahai Manganese Field

Bill Larson Collection
Norman Pellman Collection
大きいルース 12.5ct
David Eidahl Collection
24mm 10x8cm
Keith Proctor Collection

 南アフリカのカラハリ砂漠地帯にて1922年に Black Rockと呼ばれる地点にマンガン鉱床の露頭が発見されました。
 その中心の町クルマン周囲には Hotazel, Wessel, N'chwaning 等、世界的なマンガン鉱山が多数存在し、現在も年間数百万トンのマンガン鉱を産出しています。
 1961年、Hotazel 鉱山から長さ5cmに達する犬牙状、菱面体等の深紅の結晶が多数発見され、世界の鉱物界の話題を呼びましたが1963年には枯渇し、その後の発見は途絶えました。
 1975年、Black Rockの東、ンチュワニンに新たな地下のマンガン鉱山が開かれました。

 In 1922, manganese outcrops was discovered at Black Rock, in the Kalahari desert. Exploratory drilling in the region revealed enourmously rich manganese lodes at Wessels, Gloria, and N'Chwaning, which today operate as large underground mines to produce several millions tons of manganese ore. The manganese zones of the Kalahari field contain estimated up to 8 billions of tons, which is considered 40 to 80% of known world reserves.
 About 1300 millions years ago, a widespread hydrothermal event occured in the north-western portion of the Kalahari manganese fied, which resulted in an unusal high grade manganese ore body and creation of varieties of minerals up to 150 species.
 During 1961 and 1962, the Hotazel caused a sensation in mineral circles when it produced a large number of bright red rhodochrosite crystals formed as druges, scalenohedrons, rhombohedrons, and aggregate dundles of slender prisms, which were mined out in 1963 and no important crystals have been found since that time. In 1975, a new mine opened near Black Rock called N'Chwaning, and early in 1976, vugs filled with wine red rhodochrosite crystals of great beauty were encountered at few hundred feet from the surface, associated with calcite, manganite, chalcedony, gypsum and mauve aragonite. Generally the pockets were small- the most spectacular encountered was about 0.5 by 1m in size, weighed over 100kg and is at present displayed in a Pretoria museum. Many rhodochrosite crystals from N'Chwaning form as scalenohedrons, while most crystals from other sources are rhombohedral and in at least 10 vaiations of crystal habit, many of an unusal wine-red color quite apart from the usual pink to red hues. So far no further occurences of any significance have been found.

カナダ モン・サン・チレール (Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada)

 カナダのケベック州都、モンレアルから東へ40km程の地にモン・サン・チレール採石場があります。 この採石場は1959年に舗装道路やコンクリート資材の採石場として開発が始まりました。
 菱マンガン鉱はペグマタイト起源の熱水鉱脈にも産するのですが、しかし宝石質の結晶はペグマタイトには極めて稀です。 モン・サン・チレールでは小さいながら、稀にカットできるような結晶が発見されます。
0.67ct 0.31ct 7mm

 アルゼンチン カピジータス鉱山
(Capillitas Mine, Catamarca, Argentina)

(Capillitas mine general view)
(Entrans to the mine)
(Rhodochrosite vein)
(Carved rhodochrosite)
1986年12月に発見された巨大な晶洞 長さ5m、直径50cm
(Giant cavitry discovered in 1986 with huge scalactites up to 5m long and 0.5m thick)
(Polishied scalactic rhodochrosite)


 The polymetallic sulfied veins of Capillitas mine, located high at 3000 to 3300m in the Andes Mountains, Argentine, have been mined since the times of the Incas. Lator mining activity continued under the Spaniards, English, Germans and since 1981 by Japanese capital for gold, silver and copper.
 Rhodochrosite of Capillitas mine, a major bi-products of the vein, has been know since the times of Incas as "Inca-Rose" and has been polished for ornamental purpose. Today, 200 to 300 tons of rhodochrosite are collected and carved.

日本の菱マンガン鉱 (Rhodochrosite from Japan)
39.51ct 25x17mm        0.56ct 6.1x4.2x3.1mm       0.67ct 6.2x4.4x3.4mm
Inakuraishi Mine, Hokkaido 
22.64ct 29x15mm
Yakumo Mine, Hokkaido
4.17ct 10.2x8mm  宝石質結晶 50mm
Gemmy Crystal
Oppu Mine, Aomori, Japan
茨城県 高取鉱山 (Takatori Mine, Ibaragi)
 いずれの鉱山も遠の昔に閉山してしまいましたが、何処かに鉱石の在庫が残っているようで時折鉱物標本や研磨された品が出回ります。 2003年6月の東京国際ミネラルフェアで、そうした日本産の宝石がまとまって出品されていました。

 Although small islands, Japan is relatively rich in mineral resources. Until 1960's, considerable numbers of mines have been actively producing varieties of mineral resources, throughout the country. Manganese mine is not the exception ; Yagumo and Inakuraishi mine in Hokkaido, Oppu mine in Aomori, Osarizawa mine in Akita, Kuratani mine inIshikawa, Takatori mine in Ibaragi, produced world class rhodochrosite crystals, not as spectacular as before-mentioned mines but sufficiently world class crystals in rhombohedral, botryoidal, massive or fibrous shapes formed in pockets of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tin, tangusten, molybdenum ores. All mines are now closed but there are limited but stable supply of specimens and carved cabochons from old stock. There were even faceted stones, fairly comparable to Sweet Home stones, from 40 year old stock from Takatori mine, Ibaragi, at 2003 Mineral Show at Ikebukuro, Tokyo.


  "The Emperer of China"
60x40cm 63.5kg
"The Empress of China"
10.67 - 29.56ct 4.80ct  9.7x8.2x6.2mm
   中国広西荘(チュアン)族自治区 梧州市 武東鉱山(Wutong Mine)  China 

 そんな状況下で、ごく最近、中国で新しい鉱脈が発見されました。 広西壮(チュアン)族自治区,梧洲市の 武東鉱山です。

 結晶の内部に透明な部分が現れることもあり、30カラットを超える大きなルースもカットされています。が、一か八かで巨大な結晶を割るのはあまりにもリスクが大きく、結局 Wutong 鉱山産菱マンガン鉱のルースは殆ど市場に姿を見せないか、あるいは稀に見かけるのは1カラット未満のごく小さく貧弱なルースが大半でした。 が、発見から20年後の2020年にやや包有物が多く、透明度に欠けのですが、4.76カラットと菱マンガン鉱としてはかなりの大きさのルースに出会いました。

結晶の行方 ( If gemmy crystals were broken for cutting ?)


 Rhodochrosite crystal is one of the most valuable for their attractive color and crystal forms, among all mineral crystals. Some mineral collectors might be angry for faceted stones. In the past, almost all outstanding aquamarine and tourmaline crystals have been destroyed because of blasting at mining and survived crystals were entirely lost for cutting.
Please do not worry, however, for rhodochrosite crystals. Because of their rarity and attractiveness, most gem-quality rhodochrosite crystals are preserved as specimens and not submitted to the lapidary. Neverthless, approximately a hundred 0.5+ ct stones a year are cut from crystals that had been damaged or were otherwise inappropriate for specimen use.

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