
宝飾用に研磨されたシャタック石(Polished shattuckite )
 18.34ct(24x14x6mm)    16.09ct(17x12x12mm)

Shattuck Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A.

(Crystal System)
(Refractive Index)
 Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2     斜方晶系
 3.8 - 4.1  1.752-815
Cu2(CO3)(OH)2 単斜晶系
 3 1/2 - 4  3.8  1.66-91
Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 単斜晶系
3 1/2 4.1 1.72-85

Shattuckite matrix 2.9x2.6x2.1cm
Photo courtesy : Arken Stone
球状集合体 9mm
Shattuckite spherical sprays
シャタック鉱と藍銅鉱の混合体 画面の幅 15mm
Lab identified this specimen as a mixture of
shattuckite and azurite - Field of view 15mm
Bisbee, Warren Disrict, Mule Mts. Arizona, U.S.A.

Bruce J. Murphy Collection
Mesopotamia, Khorixas, Namibia

犬牙状の方解石結晶(1cm)に含まれるシャタック石 10x7x6cm
Shattuckite included in scalenohedral calcite crystal(1cm)
拡大写真 緑の結晶は翠銅鉱
Magnified view : green crystal is dioptase
Lubumbashi, Congo
写真提供(Photo coutesy) : Mineral Street

名前と産状(Name and occurence)

カタログの記述のみを頼りに、稀少鉱物という謳い文句と1個 6〜8ドルと格安の値段にもつられて正体不明の石を購入したものです。はやる心を抑えて包みを開けて見れば、藍銅鉱と孔雀石の混合物みたいな代物で大いに失望したものでした。

 The name of hattuckite derives from Shattkuckite mine, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A. where this mineral was first discovered in 1914, as pseudomorphs after malachite. It is a typical secondary mineral found in the oxidized zone of copper deposits. In general, minerals grown under such occurence rarely result in showing aparant crystal form, but are often found massive concretions of acicular or fibrous microcrystals. Although relatively rare mineral, shattuckite is reported from major copper mines in the world ; Bisbee, Arizona, Mexico, Chile, but with very few production. Probably, conditions to replace entire carbonate group of malachite by silicate group to form shattuckite would hardly happen in the nature. Recently beautiful specimen with spherules or sprays of acicular radial crystals are seen from Mesopotamia, Copper Valley of Namibia.

 Shattuckite is, although rare, sometimes polished for ornamental purpose, thanks to beautiful color. Polished shattuckites on the top photo are from Shattuck mine, which I purchased for over 20 years ago through mail order, without knowing anything about this mineal. A pamphlet without photo said this stone extremely rare with attractive price of US$6 to 8 per stone. Despite great expectation, two colorful stones appeared frompost parcel looked like a mixture of malachite and azurite and not attracted at all.

 Today, we are able to access to Google search to find more than 117,000 articles on such rare mineral of shattuckite.

ビスビー鉱山について (About Bisbee Mines)

藍銅鉱(Azurite) 7x4cm
Bisbee Mine
David Eidahl Collection
Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A.
William Larson Collection

 アメリカ、アリゾナ州にはMammoth, Tiger, Collins, Mohawk, Red Clouds, Ajo, Bagdad, Morenci, Globe, Lay, San Manuel 等々世界で有数の金、銀、銅, 鉛、亜鉛、モリブデンの重金属鉱山があります。
 1877年の夏にミュール山脈の渓谷で豊穣な銀と銅の露頭が発見されたビスビー鉱山は、その後1930年初頭まで Czar,  Cole,  Sacramento,  Dallas,  Campbell,  Shattuck,  Irish Mag,  Silver Spray,  Keystone, そして Copper Queen と、次々に新たな鉱区が開発され、露天掘りと地下の数百kmに達するトンネルによる採掘は1975に閉鎖されるまでのほぼ一世紀に及ぶ活動で総額60億ドルを越える金属を産出しました。

 Arizona is rich in world famous ores of gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, molybdenum from Mammoth, Tiger, Collins, Mohawk, Red Clouds, Ajo, Bagdad, Morenci, Globe, Lay, San Manuel mines etc. Superb and exotic mineral specimens, mined from these veins have been eargerly sought after mineral collectors of the world. It is not strange why in Tucson, a frontier city in the desert became the world famous gem & mineral show locality. A local mineral specimen exchange circle of Tucson, which is located in the midst of these mines, was the start of the Tucson Show, which has grown to be the the largest gem and mineral show in the world, today.
 One of the greatest copper camps on earth, Bisbee, located 80km south east from Tucson, near Mexican boarder, was discovered in early 1880's with rich silver and copper outcrops in a desolate Mule Mtns. canyon. By early 1930's, new mines have been exploited one after another ; Czar, Cole, Sacramento, Dallas, Campbell, Shattuck, irish Mag, Silver Spray, Keystone and Copper Queen mines, to produce over U$6 billion in metals until the last operation was ceased in 1975 through many hundred kilometers of tunnels and open pit mining.

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