(Color faded
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退色前のヒデナイト Hiddenite before color fading 写真提供 : Mineral Street |
2ヶ月で退色してクンツァイトに In two months, hiddenite has become kunzite |
電子レンジにて700W1分でさらに退色 Color has further faded after 1 minute irradiation in micro-wave oven(700W) |
80x40x16mm Konar Valley, Afghanistan |
Most of spodumene (both crystal specimens and faceted stones) we encounter in the markets is pink to lavender color, kunzite. Golden color or green colors are extremely scarece. After waiting for so long time, I have recently obtained the green spodumen as shown in the top photo. However, while trying to take photo, I had hardly find out the crystal in my store box. What I could find out was the pink one, instead as in the center photo. The color has changed within a couple of months under normal daylight and illumination. I tried, in vain to irradiate this crystal in 700W micro wave oven for one minute, expecting the green color might be recovered. The pink color has further faded to almost colorless as photo in the right.
放射線照射スポデューメン(Irradiated Spodumene)
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14.02ct 15.1x11.7x10.5mm | 4.60ct 10.15x8.16x7.44mm |
Afghanistan |
These spodumenes were irradiated samples. Green one is artificially irradiated to be hidenite. It must be kept in the dark, in order to slower the color fading.
Colorless stone was pale green on photo of internet but when arrived, I found it faded to be colorless spodumene. Together with before mentioned color faded crystal, I tried to recover the color, by passing through X-ray inspections more than 10 times at airports and ports, in vain.
(Spodumene' colors affected by U.S. Postal Service irradiation process )
照射前( Before irradiation) | 照射後(after irradiation) | 右端の石は更に退色テストの結果 (the final result of further fade testing : far right stone only) |
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スポデューメン (Spodumenes) : 1.13 - 4.24ct |
このため連邦郵便サービス(USPS)では全ての郵便物に電子線照射を始めました ; 具体的には直線電子加速装置による56kグレイ(5.6メガラド)の高エネルギー電子線を浴びせて細菌を死滅させるものです。
アメリカの宝石業界では宝飾品の発送に日常的にUSPS サービスを利用していたからです。
Parallely after the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, the incidences of people being infected by anthrax spores, sent through the mail has caused the postal service to seek ways to protect their employees and the public from this potential threat. U.S.Postal Service contracted with one company to irradiate mails and parcels, using a high energy linear accelerator to kill anothorax and other biological agents. The dosage being used by the postal system is 56kilograys(kGy : 5.6megarads). The system is the same type of ionizing radiation that is often used intentionally to change colors of some gem materials and actually caused an undesiable result to some jewelery and gemstones, because the jewelery industry relies heavily on the USPS to ship gems and jewlery through the United States.
GIA immediately recognized the potential impact of this development on the jewelry industry, and tested the effects of the postal irradiation. GIA
Gem Trade Laboratory has chosed two types of cultured pearls plus 14 gem varieties from 8 different gem species, based on their past experiences with expert in this field, and mailed them.
The results are shown in following charts ; All of the gem materials other than diamond showed a dramatic change in color, while no residual radiation was detected from the unopened packages or any of the indivisual samples.
照射テスト結果(Radiation test results) 宝石(Gem Material) 照射前(Before) 照射後(After)
ダイアモンド (Diamond) 1 ほぼ無色 (Near colorless)
2 インクルージョンによる灰色(Gray inclusion)変化無し
(No change)スポデューメン (Spodumene) クンツァイト(ピンク)Pink(Kunzite) 緑 (Green) 緑柱石( Beryl) モルガナイト(Morganite : Brownish Orangy Pink) 黄色 (Yellow) 海水養殖真珠
(Salt water cultured pearl)白 (White) 灰色 (Gray) 淡水養殖真珠
(Freshwater cultured peral)白 (White) 灰色 (Gray) 水晶(Quartz) 無色(Colorless) 褐色 (Brown) 水晶(Quartz) 黄色(Citrine) 褐色 (Brown) サファイア(Sapphire) 淡青(Light blue) 黄橙(Yellowish orange) トパーズ(Topaz) 無色(Colorless) 褐色(Brown) トルマリン(Tourmaline) ほぼ無色(Near colorless) 淡いピンク(Light pink) トルマリン(Tourmaline) 淡いピンク(Light pink) 濃いピンク(Darker pink) トルマリン(Tourmaline) 二色:ピンク・緑(Bicolored green and pink) 緑(Green):変化無し(No change)
ピンク(Pink):濃色(darker)ジルコン(Zircon) 無色(Colorless) ピンクを帯びた茶色(Pinkish brown) ジルコン(Zircon) 黄色(Yellow) 褐色を帯びた茶色(Yellowish brown) ジルコン(Zircon) 緑(Green) 緑・黄色を帯びた茶色
(Greenish yellowish brown)
(Color cause of spodumen)
クンツァイト (Kunzite) |
ピンクから紫 (Pink to Purple) |
4面体配位中の三価のマンガンイオン Mn3+ in tetrahedral coordination |
Hassan and Labib, 1978 | |||
八面体配位中の三価のマンガンイオン Mn3+ in octahedral coordination |
Cohen and Janezic, 1983 | |||||
ヒデナイト (Hiddenite) |
エメラルドグリーン (Emerald green) |
不安定なMn4+による着色中心を伴う四面体配位中のCr3+ Cr3+ in octahedral coordination with also unstable Mn4+ color center |
Cohen and Janezic, 1983 | |||
三価のヴァナジウムイオンの四面体配位 V3+ in octahedral coordination |
Schmetzer , 1982 | |||||
淡緑 (Pale green) |
八面体配位中の不安定なMn4+とFe2+ »
Fe3+の電荷移動 Unstable Mn4+ in octahedral coordination plus Fe2+ » Fe3+ charge transfer |
Cohen and Janezic, 1983 | ||||
八面体配位中の三価の鉄イオン Fe3+ in octahedral coordination |
E.Fritsch, unpub. data | |||||
トライフェーン (Triphane) |
黄緑-茶橙 Greenish yellow to brownish orange |
未知の構造による着色中心 Color center of unknown structure |
Rossman and Qiu, 1982 |
スポデューメン( LiAl(SiO3)2 )は酸素原子が形成する八面体内にアルミニウムが入った構造、更にリチウムと珪素原子とが作る四面体にアルミニウム原子が入ったと構造とが連なった結晶です。
Spodumene is composed of chains of octahedral coordination formed with oxygen with aluminium inside, which are linked with tetrahedral coordination, formed with silicon and lithium atoms with aluminium atom inside, sited between the chains. Pure spodumene crystal is colorless. When a part of aluminumatom is substituted for impure mangane or iron, it is pink to lavender colored kunzite or pale green-blue color hiddenite. When a part of aluminium is substituted for chrome or vanadium, it becomes emerald-green hiddenite. Spodumene cleaves easily in two directions, along planes of weak atomic bonding between the silicon-oxygen chains.
その変化は次のようなマンガンと鉄のイオン状態の変化により起こります ; Mn3+ + Fe3+ =======» Mn4+ + Fe2+
アフガニスタンの鉱夫は掘り出した時に青や緑の結晶が数日で退色した時には沸騰した湯の中で煮立てた後、数日間日光に曝して美しい紫やピンクに戻しているとのこと。 現在試験中です。
ブラジルやウラル山脈産のヒデナイトは少なくとも結晶とルース共にそれぞれ20年と10年以上経っても(共に普段は光の当たらないキャビネットに収めてはありますが)色褪せることなく昔のままの色を保っています。 これらは恐らくこうした色変わりを演じる不安定なマンガンイオンの含有量が産地により異なるためと考えられます。
As shown and described on top photos and text, the reason why pale green color faded in a relatively short period of two month to have changed pink color is due to unstable Mn4+ impurity, as explained in color cause chart. Relatively weak energy of daylight and low temperature of few hundred Celsius is sufficient to turn unstable Mn4+ to stable Mn3+ to appear pink colored kunzite. These alteration is reversible with high energy irradiation as following formula ;
Mn3+ + Fe3+ =======» Mn4+ + Fe2+
Although such high energy of 56kGy (100% mortal for human being within 24 hours) is not available, I tried to irradiate the crystal using home use micro wave oven, in vain. The pale pink color of kunzite has further faded to almost colorless. So far, I will try to irradiate it at X-ray security gate at airport to recover green color. However, pink color might return slowly in natural. I am now trying the skil of Afghan miners to recover the pink color too ; When mined, blue-violet or green colored spodumen (great probably having been exposed to some natural source of radiation that produced these colors by the mechanism described above), Afghan miners leave the the color faded crystals in the sun for several days, often after having boiled them in water, is sufficient to turn the material to an attractive purple or pink.
The mechanism described here explains the reason why most spodumene exhibits the property of tenebrescence, which involves a reversible darkening and lightening of its color with changes in conditions.
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