(Taaffeite & Musgravite)
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Taaffeite 0.78 - 3.69ct 結晶 3.88ct 9.5x7.2x6.6mm |
Srilanka |
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典型的な淡紫色の ターフェ石 1.29ct 9.1x6.2mm Typical mauve color taaffeite |
スピネル結晶を包有する ターフェ石 3.69ct 12x7.2mm Taaffeite with spinel crystal inclusion |
1979年当時は稀な大きさの ターファイト 2.71ct Rare large taaffeite at 1979 |
ターフェ石 0.67ct |
無色のターフェ石 0.61ct 1987年発見 Colorless taaffeite discovered in 1987 |
Srilanka |
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0.78ct 6.2x5.0x3.5mm | ターファイト結晶 (Taaffeite Crystal) 3.88ct 9.5x7.2x6.6mm |
化学組成 Formula |
結晶系 Crystal System |
モース硬度 Hardness |
屈折率 Refractive Index |
複屈折 Birefringence |
比重 Density | |
Taaffeite | BeMg3Al8O16 | 六方晶系 Hexagonal |
8 | 1.717-723 | 0.004-006 | 3.58-62 |
Musgravite | BeMg2Al6O12
or (Mg,Fe+2,Zn)2BeAl6O12 |
六方晶系 Hexagonal |
8 | 1.719-726 | 0.007 | 3.61-69 |
Spinel | MgAl2O4 | 等軸晶系 Cubic |
8 | 1.712-762 | - | 3.58-90 |
ターフェ石の発見 (Discovery of Taaffeite)
*ターファイトの発見については米、Gems & Gemology誌1952年 Summerに英宝石学協会の B.W.Andersonがその経緯を詳しく書いていますので抜粋を紹介します ;
(An extract about taaffeite discovery episode on Gems & Gemology Summer 1955 article written by B.W.Anderson, B.Sc., F.G.A.)
ターフェ伯爵は第二次世界大戦中は英国宝石学協会の通信教育を受けていた熱心な宝石愛好家であり、Andersonは彼の指導員であリました。 伯爵の、設問に対するきっちりとした解答と、乏しい測定機類やアカデミックな科学訓練を受けてなかったにも拘わらず、卓越した測定技術を持っていたことが印象に残っていたと記述しています。
伯爵は持ちかえった宝石を洗浄し、21倍の実体双眼顕微鏡で一つ一つ精密に観察していましたが、淡紫色のスピネルを観察していた時にルースの背面についた擦り傷とごみが僅かに二重に見えることに気づいて不審に思いました。 何故なら等軸晶系のスピネルが複屈折を示すことはあり得ないからです。 続いて比重の測定です。 標本の石は沃化メチレン液(比重3.32)では沈みました。クレリチ液(蟻酸タリウムとマロン酸タリウムの混合物で比重4.2〜4.3)がなかったので静水法で測定しました。ポケット型の天秤による10回の測定の平均で3.62と算出しました。英宝石学協会の研究室での測定結果は3.613でしたから、粗末な天秤での3.62は驚くべき精度です。 更に伯爵は屈折率計を持っていなかったので沃化メチレン液にこの石を浸した時の見え方から屈折率はほぼスピネルに近いとターフェ伯爵は推定しました。 しかし(スピネルが)複屈折を示す理由が分からなかったので、詳細な測定結果と共にこの石を英国自然史博物館の鉱物部門に送りました。
研究所での測定の結果、この1,419ctの淡紫色の宝石の比重は3.613、屈折率は1.717 と1.721、複屈折率は0.00475、モース硬度は8,X線散乱と化学分析により、六方晶系の酸化アルミニウム・マグネシウムにベリリウムが加わった新鉱物であることが確認されました。
Count Edward Charles Richard Taaffe has for many years been a keen gemologist, as a corresponding student of the Gemmological Association of U.K. during the War, when I was an instructor. I used to enjoy his original, racy replies to the set questions, and soon became aware that, despite his paucity of apparatus and lack of academic scientific training, he was a gemologist of quite unusual skill.
One day in October 1945 Count Taaffe called on Mr. Robert Dobbie, a jeweller friend, for the purpose of buying some of the stones broken from old jewelry, which were stowed away in various "junk boxes."The searching and sorting took several days, and each day 100 or so stones were taken home. These were a very mixed bag. Blue zircons, opals, garnets, citrines, amethysts, sopinels, a few Siam rubies, and poor quality emeralds and sapphires.
At home, Taaffe throughly cleaned the stones and roughly sorted them according to color. The stone which eventually became known as taaffeite was put in the little box containing violet and lilac stones. Each stone was scrutinized under microscope on white paper, wtih illumination from above provided by an adjustable table lamp with metal reflector. The specimen in question, which looked like a pale mauve spinel, puzzled him by showing small, but quite distinct, "doubling" of scratched and dust particles at the back of the stone. This was a remarkably acute piece of observatio considering the power of the microscope was only 21x the stoneless than one and one half carats, and the birefringence(as later established) less than .005. Next followed density tests. The stone sank in methylene iodide, and no Clerici solution was available, so hydrostatic determinations were made with a pocket balance in which the tassel had to be held by hand while the weighing was in progress. The average of ten determination was 3.62. As dour final figure obtained in the laboratory proved to be 3.613, this also was evidence of good work under difficult conditions. No refractometer was available, but the low relief in methylene iodide showed that the reflactive index must be near that of spinel. There remained the puzzle of the double refraction, which was confirmed by a test between crossed nicols, which showed normal extinction of 90°. Finally Count Taaffe decided to send the stone to me at the Laboratory, stating the result of his tests, and asking
"could anomalous double refractions sto strong ?"新鉱物が、結晶からではなく、カットされたルースから発見された事実も稀なる出来事でありました。
This episode that new mineral is discovered from faceted stone, not from crystal specimen was an extremly rare occasion, resulting in many collectors to verify their collections. However, taaffeite was such a rare mineral and 2nd stone was discovered in 1949 as 0.87 carat and even in 1980's in total 10 stones, and maximum 50 stones word's wide averaging 1 to 3 carats, and the largest ever reported was 10 carat by 1983.
However, by end of 1990's, it is not rare to encounter several stones at major gem show in the world.
It is estimated that there exist several thousands of faceted stones in the world. And large stones weighing more than 10 carats are not exremely rare. The largest faceted taaffeite appeared was 33.33ct shown at September 1992 Auction in Hong Kong.ターフェ石の産地 (Taaffeite localities)
しかし1963年には中国の湖南省、1977年に東シベリア、1980年にオーストラリアのMt. Painter地方からの発見が報告されています。 そして1983年のビルマと1996年のタンザニアのトゥンドゥルーからは宝石質の結晶発見が報告されるなど、徐々に世界各地での発見が報告されています。
First taafeite discovered by Count Taaffe is estimated as Srilankan origin and almost all follwing stones are discovered in Srilanka. But in 1963, taaffeite was discovered in Hunan Province, China, then 1977 in eastern Siberia, in 1980 from Mt. Painter, Australia.
Gem quality stones outside Srilanka were reported, in 1983 from Burma and in 1996, in Tunduru, Tanzania
Taaffeite is discovered in metamorphic lime stone, amphibole and garnet-granite. But in case of major producer Srilanka, geologic origin is unknown, because of discovery in alluvial deposit.赤いターフェ石の発見 (Discovery of red taaffeite)
1990 Srilanka1.23ct 1.78ct 2.26ct 4.02ct 3.17ct 0.33ct 1.04ct 0.89ct
ターフェ石の多くは淡いモ‐ヴ色です。 余り魅力の無いスピネルに酷似していて、宝石として必ずしも魅力ある色合いとは言えません。 が、その珍しさの為にコレクターが求める宝石の筆頭に挙げられます。
Most of taaffeite is pale mauve color which resembles spinel.
Taaffeite is the most required gem stone for collectors due to its rarity, despite it's inattractive color.
In 1981, a smal 0.33ct red gemstone was discovered and ergistered as new mineral, Taprobanigte at IMA., which was cancelled lator on because the composition analysis was found to be incorrect. That red gemstone was, actually a chrome taaffeite. Pale mauve taaffeite is colored with iron ion, while deep purple-red color is caused by chrome impurity.
Among the rarest taaffeite, deep purple to red type were discovered only 10pcs since first discovery of 1980 to 2000, during 20 years. All are discovered only in Srilanka.
ターフェ石の特徴 (A characteristic of Taaffeite)
ターフェ石の結晶(Taaffeite Crystal) ターフェ石はスリランカの漂砂鉱床から水磨礫として発見されるため長い間結晶形が定かではありませんでした。 左の図は水磨礫から推定した結晶形でした。
.Photo and information courtesy : Mr. Gamini Zoysa,
Mincraft Company, Srilanka結晶想像図
crystal form結晶 9.6ct 13x11x6mm
Ratnapura SrilankaTaaffeite crystal from has been unknown longtime, due to it's discovery in alluvial deposit as water worn pebbles. The illustrtion is an estimation after water worn pebbles. But in 2004, perfect crystal was discovered at Ratnapura and displayed at Shinzyuku Mineral Fair 2005.
Photo sample is the largest one among 3 other smaller crystals, discovered during past 5 years.
化学組成は主成分の酸化アルミニウム、酸化マグネシウムと酸化ベリリウムに加えてそれぞれ最大で2.6%の酸化鉄と2.24%の酸化亜鉛を含みます。 もちろんこれらの化学組成は高度な測定機器や、高精度のスペクトロスコープを駆使しない限り測定できませんから一般の手には負えませんから、あくまでも参考資料です。
Taaffeite resembles spinel by color, mohs hardness, refractive index, density etc., and is quite difficult to identify .
Birefringence is almost the only way to separate from spinel but its value of 0.004〜0.006 is too small to measure.
Therefore, inclusions are the most practical mean to identify when encountered with subjective stone. Very often,
spinel, zircon, apatite, phlogopite and muscovite are found as inclusions of taaffeite. In addition, fissures by taafeite and magnesite negative crystals are found in taaffeite.
Concerning chemical composition, maximum each 2.6% and 2.24% of oxide iron and oxide zinc impurity are detected, when analysed using laboratory equipments.
マスグレイヴ石の発見 (Discovery of Musgravite)
0.60ct 5.53x4.77x2.86mm
S.G : 3.69 R.I. : 1.721-7280.36ct S.G. 3.61 R.I. 1.719-726
Taaffeite is one of the rarest gem stone but much rare gemstone, Musgravite was discovered in 1997.The Musgravite name derives from the locality, Musgrave Range, southern Australia, where this mineral was first discovered in 1967 in a nodule, perhaps formaerly a corundom crystal, in high-grade metapyroxenite, associated with metaperidotite with spinel, sapphire and phlogopite.
上記の標本の産出地は不明です。 恐らくスリランカと思われます。 鉱物標本としては1981年に南極のケーシー湾(Casey Bay)のペグマタイトからの発見が報告されています。
* 現在(2006年8月時点)では世界で20個程の宝石としてカットされたマスグレイヴ石が確認されています。
As shown in the specification chart on top, musgravite seems to be a variation of taaffeite rather than new mineral.
It requires most sophisticated analysis with laboratory equipments to separate musgravite from taaffeite.
Gem quality musgravite has been expected by gemologists since early 1990's.
It is such rare gemstone that there exist only four samples of musgravite in the world, as of today.
They say, after the first discovery, lots of rare stone collectors rushed to laboratories, asking if their specimens might be an musgravite, in vain. The 2nd greenish gray specimen was discovered in 2000.
Origin of two stones are not certain, probably, Srilanka. In 1981 a mineral specimen was reported from Casey Bay, Antarctic.
* As of today(August 2006), about 20pcs of faceted stones are confirmed in the world.
Taaffeite is purple, pink, red and colorless. If you encounter taaffeite with different color and slightly higher value of
refractive index, birefringence, density, it might be a rarest of all rere gemstones, musgravite.
ターフェ石の市場の評価 (Taaffeite market value)
You might be curious to know the market value of taaffeite.
In end of 1970's, while there were only several tarffeite stones in the world, about 3 carat stone similar to the 2.71ct stone of the top photo wasn sold about US$10,000 per carat at European auction.
But in end of 1980, while taaffeite was the rarest gemstone yet, 1.29 carat clean stone of the top photo was US$300 per carat, which was more than 20 times expensive than similar colored (that means, low quality) spinel.
Today, we see more often taafeite, and pretty stones are the rarest yet, world market value of reasonable clean colorless taaffeite is sold about US$1,000 per carat and pale purple stone is US$2,000. But price varies lot depending on inclusions, size and hues.
There are no price standard for very rare deep purple or red taaffeite.
The 2nd 3.69ct taaffeite on the top photo is beautiful and transparent for relatively big size. However, thanks to visible brown stained spinel inclusions, it was reasonably priced.