パキスタンのトパーズ(Topaz from Pakistan)

 0.96 - 11.60ct

11.60ct 17.42x10.92x7.55mm  7.1ct 14.7x6.7x6.8mm 
Gundao Hill, Katlan, Pakistan Pakistan  

ペグマタイト起源のトパーズ(Topaz from pegmatite origine)

Stak Nala Shengus
インダス河源流に近いカラコルム山脈、標高 3000-4000m にあるペグマタイト鉱床

17x17mm 20x20mm 17x8mm 23x18mm 22x23mm 28x16mm 

 In the Northe-western part of Pakistan, along headwaters of The Indus River, midst the Hindukush, Himalaya and Kalakorum Mountains, there are numerous pegmatite veins, where aesthetic topaz crystals are found together with beryls, tourmalines and garnets etc.
 These topaz are common pegmatite origin cystals. Though gem quality, because of unpopular colorless to pale brown color, they are rarely faceted as gemstone, and are sold as attractive specimens. Varieties of geometric topaz crystal shapes are indeed, fascinating.

平行三連晶のトパーズ(Triple parallel intergrown topaz crystal)
平行連晶 2.6cm
Pararelle intergrowth
微斜長石上の珍しい平行三連晶のトーアズ結晶 43x38mm
The rarest triple parallel intergrown topaz crystals on feldspar 43x38mm Pakistan

サナルカ川 ロシア
Sanarka River, Russia

Fersman Museum, Moskow
 これは一見何処にでもあるペグマタイト起源の斜長石とトルマリン を伴うトパーズ結晶ですが、良く見ると一つの結晶が平行三連晶となっています。水晶等,他の鉱物ではありふれた平行連晶ですが、トパーズでは単結晶の集合である群晶ならありますが、一般には双晶さえ極めて稀、まして三連晶を見かけるのは初めてです。
 何故トパーズに双晶が稀なのか? その謎は未だに解明されていません。”   
 Mineralogical Record”1995年 Jan-Feb.トパーズ特集号によるとブラジルのオウロ・プレト等の低温環境下で成長したトパーズにのみ極めて稀に平行連晶が起こりうるとのことです。即ち低温生成の熱水性のトパーズは水酸基の比率が高くなり、そのために結晶系が斜方晶系から三斜晶系に変わって平板柱状の結晶形となるために、双晶が出来る。しかし双晶についてはさらに研究が必要とのこと。

 This specimen looks like a common topaz crystals with feldspar and tourmaline. But it is an triple parallel intergrown crystal, which is common in other minerals, but extremely rare for topaz. Almost all topaz cystals I have encountered or seen in photos are single crystals、or clusters of single crystals. Only one exception I have ever seen is the rarest red topaz from Sanarka River, Southern Ural, Russia, housed in Fersman museum, Moskow. In addition to its striking color, parallel intergrown crystal form was a surprise, indeed !!
 Why is twin crystal in topaz rare ? After investigation on various documents, I encountered a description in Topaz issue of "Mineralogical Record" Jan-Feb 1995 ; it says that twinning in topaz is questionable. Ribbe(1980) reports on sutdies before 1950 that identified contact twinning and coaxial growth of topaz on b[010]. This, however, would be possible for triclinic rather than orthorhombic topaz. Cassadane (1980) notes "rare twinning parallel to the c axis" in Imperial topaz from Ouro Preto, Brazil

カトランのトパーズ(Topaz from Ghundao Hill, Katlang Valley)

 トパーズ結晶(Topaz crystal)50mm 

Topaz crystal 19x9mm Topaz crystal 19x6mm Topaz crystal 30x14mm
Topaz crystal 16x12mm Topaz crystal 16x12mm Topaz crystal 10x6mm

The view of Hindu Kush range and
the plain of Katlang from the Ghundao Hill
Mining at open cut
W. Larson Collection
Topaz is mineralized along the fault in extensive folding of limestone.

 ピンクの発色は0.01〜0.02wt%含まれるクロムによるものです。実はブラジルのオウロ・プレト鉱山、さらにかつてピンク・トパーズを産したロシア、南ウラルのカメンコ川とサナルカ川のトパーズ鉱床と共に、カトランもふくめて、クロム発色のピンク・トパーズの成因としては稀な低温型(300℃)の熱水鉱床起源という共通の条件があり, 水酸基比が高く結晶形も類似しています。
 In early 1980, striking pink gem topaz appeared in the market. The locality was Ghundao Hill, near Katlang Valley, Mardan district of North Weste Frontier Province, where no gem material was reported ever in the past. The locality consists of various lime-stone rocks that are folded dramatically along a fault zone. Topaz mineralization fluids may be from a nearby granite that likely intruded during the late stages of the Himalayan formation .
Fifteen centimerter wide veins of milky quartz and white gray and brown calcite contain topaz embedded in clay.
 The topaz deposits seems to have been discovered and mined privately by villagers since early 1970s until 1980, when the government operated Gemstone Corporation of Pakistan(GCP) took over this and other mining operations. GCP developped two new pink topaz deposits , 7km southeast of Katlang. The GCP increased production from 10,000 carats in 1980 and 1981 to 28,000 carats in 1983-84. The mine at Ghundao Hill has susequently stopped operating, but the newer mine, 3km to the north, continues to produce an average of 50 to 60 stones every 20 days.
 These matrix crystals were otained in 1985 at Tucson and shows typical Katlang topaz color of pale sherry to pink hue.
A mere 0.01 to 0.02 wt% of chromium(Cr3+)is presumably responsible for the sometimes heart-stopping pink color found in Katlang topaz. Chromium bearing pink topaz localities such as ; Ouro-Preto, Brazil and Sanarka/Kamenko River, Southern Ural Mtns. Russia, together with Katlang, Pakistan are formed under lower temperature, hydrothermal conditions and have the similarities in both morphology and composition of high (OH) contents.

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